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In this collection, which will most likely stay quite modest, I would like to share a few things I write that do not really fit in any category. They are mostly themes I philosophise about or ideas that I have and work out. I always have a little booklet with me, so that when I find myself with empty time on my hands I can spill some thoughts on its pages.

I will warn readers: this is not meant as 'literature'. I do not profess to know Truths, or to deny anyone's beliefs. Nevertheless, some of the views I express may be seen as extreme or offensive to some people. If that includes you, please remember that all I have for you is the utmost respect for your humanity. I may disagree with you, but I still respect you.

All I wish to do is to perhaps inspire some people. My mother, sister and close friends are often fascinated with what I write, which is what drove me to share this on here. So, anyone who is not opposed to anything new age, spiritual (in the broadest sense of the word), philosophical-ish or simply eccentric and precocious, read on!

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