Chapter 29

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Hey guys! I'm not sure if I wanna make a sequel yet cause it is kind I alot of work to create something new since I'm not good at making covers but anyways I will for sure try to make a sequel possibly if I get enough votes and comments, but either way the story will be continued... so never fear! The foursome fearsome is here ;) lol as always... enjoy!

Laura's Pov

So today Ross and I are starting to move into our new place and I'm super pumped! right now we are painting our living room a light gray color and it looks really nice

"Hey Laura, could you get me some water, All this painting is making me thirsty"

"Hey! I'm painting to!"

"Pleaseeeeeee" he asked walking towards me

"Fine, but only cause your cute" I said walking in the kitchen grabbing two water bottles"

"Thanks babe" Ross said taking the water and chugging it down

"No problem" I replied walking back to the brick wall I was painting white

"Wait Laura...."

"Yes Ross" I replied unenthusiastically...

"Can you come here, I think there is something in my eye"

"Ughh, fine!" I groaned waking towards him "I don't see anything" I said looking in his eyes, inching my face closer to him.

"Gotcha" he said as he plopped his finger in a bucket of paint and booped my nose

"Ugh! Ross!" I yelled

"Sorry, i was getting board but Come on, you look cute"

"Thanks but I think you got paint in my eye!" I yelled back

"Here, let me see" he said lifting up my chin "I don't see any-"

"Ha! got you" I retorted sticking my hand in the paint bucket and placing it through his hair

"Laura! not the hair!"

"Whoops! Sorry"

"Oh, your going to pay for this!" he said and he dumped the paint bucket all over me

"Ughh Ross! You have just gone way to far!" I Said dumping paint all over him

"Ughh, now I'm a mess"

"You started it" I yelled in his face

"I didn't think you would do anything back, I'm sorry! it was just a joke"

"Whatever!" I yelled and returned painting the rest of my wall and he did the same... I know at first it was funny but then it got old.

"Laura" he said quietly as my back was to him as I struggled to reach the top of the wall.


"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would have been mad, I just wanted to have fun so I'm sorry" he said grabbing a paint roller and reaching over me, trapping me between his arms to help paint the top of of the wall

"It's ok, I get it... I'm sorry to! I didn't mean to blow things out if proportion. Thinking back it was funny, I just don't like getting messy, but I'm sorry" I said turning around to look at him

"Lets get cleaned up and order some food"

"Ok, I'm going to go take a shower" I said

"Ok I'll come with you"

"Seriously Ross, everytime! Just wait for me to finish..." I said giggling

"But what if you need help getting the paint off?" he asked smirking

"I won't, now go, I know you will miss but it will be a short time" I Said squeezing his cheeks

"Ok" he said sighing "but one of these days you will say yes!"

"But not Today" I said leaving the room to take a shower and wash the paint off... my boyfriend is so weird....

---------------------------------page break---

Well I got all the paint off my body but there is still some remaining in my hair... Ross has some in his hair too and we are both trying to get it out!

"Ugh it's not coming out" he said yelling from the shower as I am scratching my scalp in the kitchen

"Mine either!" I said

"Could you come and help me, my hair is all I got going for me"

"That's not true Ross! Your perfect and you know it" I said through the bathroom door

"Ok sure" he said sarcastically

"Ross! seriously, I think your almost perfect... I say almost perfect because perfect is boring"

"That's sweet but I can't get it out!!!" he said yelling in the bathroom

"Well put some clothes on and I will come help you then"

"Ok, I'm dressed" he said opening the bathroom door wearing shorts

"Ok, here, I will get the paint out" I Said taking shampoo and running it through his hair, slowly removing the paint. "there, just rinse and it will come out"

"Your the best" he said hugging me

"I know" I replied leaving the Bathroom

Then a few moments later he came out looking as good as new

"The paints gone" he said sitting next to me on the floor because our furniture hasn't come yet

"Yea, mine to" I said

"I'm glad we finished painting this room"

"Me to! Now we wait for the pizza"
I Said laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling

"Yea, I'm hungry" he said then the door bell rang and we got our food...

We ate and then reminded on the floor playing games on Ross' phone since the apartment doesn't have anything to do

"Well good night mr paint" I said

"Good night Laurie berry" he said laughing

"Don't call me that!" I said playfully hitting his chest

"Sorry" he said embracing me in a hug and kissing the top of my head


Hey everyone! This was boring I know but I needed and update so yea!
Please vote and comment

Comment any requests!?!?
-what do u wanna see in the future?
I have had some requests for some "heated" scenes... would u guys want that? I also have Requests for another party....

Let me know what you guys want, I'm running out of fire and ideas!

Also please check out my other story

"50 dates in 50 states"

I added two new chapters! please check it out!



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