Chapter 10:

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Here is another chapter to my Wattpad buds and sisters
@Jackeyiswierd and
Comment to get a shout out and Enjoy


Still Ross' Pov

Then I started the heimlich, leaning down and puffing air into her mouth, as I closed my eyes like a kiss... the only thing was unfortunately it didn't work and she was still lying down with her eyes closed, but had a slight pulse... "Maybe she Doesn't love me back" I said thinking out loud... what did I just say? or um think?

"Laura please wake up! you know I need you! I'm sorry and should have never left you! Most of all your my bestest friend and I.... I... I am in love with you! I was blind to ever think I hated you or wanted to fight with you but I do love you and if you can hear me, I just want you to know that" I do love her... At least that's what I said

Then I placed a light kiss on her lips and her eyes fluttered open for a minute but then closed again. Luckily I saw a Helicopter so I took my phone out and used the screen as a mirror to reflect light to catch the pilots attention. Then I took my shirt off and flagged it in the air. I guess the pilot didn't notice because he flew right over us... Damn it!

"I just don't know what to do anymore!" I cried and screamed feeling helpless.

Then I saw the helicopter flying back toward us and lowering down a bit...

"We are here to rescue you, please climb the ladder" The pilot said over the speaker. Then a rope ladder came down.

"But my friend here is dying, she needs a hospital" I yelled back

"Don't worry, we will send down a platform and then I layed Laura on the platform and sat next to her as we were lifted into the helicopter.

"Don't worry Laur, It's ok now..." I said as I grabbed her hand (I do this alot) and started to rub it.

"Ok, the girl needs medical attention, lets get her to the hospital quick and the boy needs water, he looks dehydrated." the medic said
"Also, what is your name kid?" he asked

"Well I am Ross Lynch and this Laura Marano, we are costars on a Disney sitcom together called Austin and Ally. We came here to go camping to bond with the cast and were sent on a scavenger hunt, but got lost at sea." I said

"I only asked for your names kid" the medic said

"Sorry" I answered looking down slightly

"It's ok though better to know the story...." he said and I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or not "and are you guys a couple" he asked.

"Well, no, just costars and best friends... or now at least" I said

"Ok, well we are here, we are going to get both you checked in. You are very dehydrated and she was about to die, luckily we found you in time after getting a call from the navy"

"It's ok, just get me some water, then I will be fine"

--------------at the hospital--------------

So Laura and I were dropped off, they gave her a room to do operations and I am currently in the waiting room. About an hour ago I was sent to urgent care to get a quick checkup and I was fine, just needed some food and water so I ate some food, then gor new clothes. Then I went back to the main waiting room/lobby of the hospital. I was waiting impatiently for a while, shaking nervously back and fourth... Then I went up to the receptionist

"Hi, excuse me. Do you have any update on Laura Marano"

"Um, what's your relation?"

"Best friend, costar" I said quickly

"Sorry, only immediate family is to go visit Miss Marano at this time"

"But her family is away, across the country, they went to Florida for vacation" I said

"Sorry, not at this time, please take a seat over there. You are bothering me" The witch of a receptionist said (her name tag read Charmainingly) then she Returned to her "work"... Pshhhh.

"Whatever" I mumbled as I walked away shuffling my feet.

"What did you just say?" The receptionist questioned, taking her ugly cat-eye glasses off to reveal her hideous eyes covered in old neon makeup... yuck! And then she placed the glasses on her desk, looking at me.

"Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, CharPAINingly in the but" I said, emphasizing the PAIN, even though that's not her name! ha ha!

"Please leave" She said gritting her teeth

"Sure thing" I said but remembered I still Hadn't found Laura's room number! uUghh one of the few reasons I hate hospitals! The receptionists always hate me!

Luckily as I was viciously walking down the hall, I saw Laura's doctor.

"Excuse me, do you know where Laura Marano is? I asked your secretary but since I am not immediate family I wasn't able to receive her room number and her family is in a different state, for vacation, I am all she has right now" I said professionally and passionately

"Ok, go on, she is in room 190, right down the hall, she is in the celebrity hallway"

"Thank you so much" I said, then I Ran down that hall as fast as I could

"Kid, slow down, no running" a nurse yelled.

After a few moments, I was standing in front of the door that read 190. For some reason I was feeling mixed emotions of fear, nervousness, but at the same time happiness because I would finally get to see Laura and even half dead she was gorgeous.... man I'm making her sound like a zombie! lol!

Then I made a fist and lightly knocked on the door because since she is famous, she gets her own room tucked away from everyone else... how special... just kidding, hospitals still freak me out.

"You can come in" I heard a nurse yell

So then I walked in the Room to see Laura in the hospital bed sleeping

"How's she doing?" I whispered to the nurse

"Ok, she needs rest and care though, she was dehydrated and we could tell she was very frantic am tense... but it'll be ok" The nurse said smiling

"Thanks" I said

"No problem, I'm going to give you some privacy but if you need me just send a call" she said while leaving

Then I got up and sat next to Laura on the hospital bed. Even though she may not be awake, I want to be here for her when she does awake. Also, luckily for her I got new clothes which were a bright blue tshirt and some dark jeans so I'm not all wet...

"Hey Laura" I said whispering and grabbing her hand squeezing it slightly "I know you probably can't hear or see me but I want to tell you, everything is alright. I'm here for you, I always will be and like I said before" I said while grabbing her hand and giving it another squeeze "I love you" then I closed my eyes and leaned back for a split second until I felt her move. Her head fell on my shoulder and I could now feel her breath on my shoulder.. it sounds weird but I was happy to feel her breathing correctly this time. Then she opened her eyes and what she said was a sentence I never thought would come out of her mouth... not in a bazillion years... She said those words I wanted to hear...
"Ross, I love you too" and this made me realize that she was listening... the whole time...


Did you notice Ross hates hospitals, he only said that like a million times! lol!

Please vote and comment !

As always... stay Rossome!

Hope u liked it as much as I liked writing it ;)


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