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    The vampire could feel the wind passing by.

    This was one of the perks he enjoyed the most, aside from the freedom. Of course, this time, he was running through unfamiliar turf. Then again, he always enjoyed exploring. He had traveled the world, seeing all of the wonders, and then some. But as he ran passed the gigantic pine trees, he felt like he was walking on an alien planet.

    But he knew that he must have been getting closer.

    Closer to her.

    He also knows that she is here, living among people she loves, and of course, being in terrible danger as well. He may have failed with the earlier incarnations, but maybe this time, he could save this one from the untimely death, and maybe, just maybe, she could love him the same way he’s loved her.

    Elizabeth was already with him when the vampire made this sudden self-discovery, but when the right moment came to tell her his true feelings, she had already been murdered. And since then, it’s been the same thing over, and over again for him. He’d also found Ruth, Agatha, Hope, Esme, and Quinn, but all of them died right before he could intervene. And each, and every time, he always believed that the same person was responsible for their deaths, Draco Feliciano.

    If the new incarnation is with him, I’ll stop at nothing to protect her from him. Even if I have to stop the cycle, she will be mine. He told himself as he brushed passed a herd of grazing deer, which took off running away from him after feeling the breeze he’d left in his path.

    Then, he caught it.

    The familiar scent he knew that came from her. The same scent that has captured his interest after all of those years that would lead him to the virtuous, human girl. For a moment, he wished that he were audacious enough to go to her, instead of watching her fall for the wrong man, the same one who’d kill her time and time again.

    Instead, He continued to run, and all the while, he hoped that he wasn’t already too late for Willa Mae Wilcox.

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