Scene 8

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Hey guys!

Got a longer scene for you after the previous super short super scene seven! :D

It's a lot of Connect 3 for all you Jonas Brothers fans, and it features one more new song!


Scene 8: In Connect 3's cabin

~The camera shows Shane talking on the phone, standing in a mass of scrunched up paper balls.~

Shane(on the phone): Yes Mr Richards, the new song's coming. it's just that Nate's having a little writer's block right now...Yes I know it's tough being a manager..(at this moment another paper ball comes flying and hits Shane on the head, there is a moment of silent fuming on Shane's face)...listen, I'll call you back later..Ok, bye.

Shane ends the call and walks towards the couch, where Nate and Jason are sitting. Nate, who has been scribbling furiously for the past few moments, shakes his head and tears the page out of his notepad, scrunching it up and tossing it behind his shoulder.

Shane: Hey guys, how's it going?

Nate: Not good, what rhymes with rock other than sock and knock?

Shane: Dork??

Nate: (sighs, annoyed) That's IT!! You know what? From now on, I'm only speaking in lyrics.

Jason: Come on, Nate. You just haven't found the right inspiration. How about that girl Max? Don't deny it, you 2 were getting pretty close just now!

Nate: (smiles) She's my sunshine, a jewel compared to my one dime.

Jason: (egging him on): My heart is shining...

Nate: (finishing the line): But I know we're just at the beginning!

Shane: (in a sing-song voice): I think you've got a so-ong!!

Nate: I think you're ri-ight!!

Suddenly, the sped-up version of the making of the song starts playing with the finished song, "We're just at the beginning" as the soundtrack.

I imagined the song to start off with a loud "YEOW!!" (like that of "Live to Party" by Jonas Brothers) which starts as soon as Nate finishes his line. The song is also very anthem-like (think "Live to Party" and "Keep It Real")

The making of the song is sped-up. Which includes finishing the song (Nate writing and Jason on guitar) and recording different instruments as well as vocals.(Connect 3 has all their equipment in their cabin)

The making of the song ends off with Joe on the phone with Mr Richards and Nate and Jason sitting at a computer.

Shane: Yes Mr Richards, Nate's sending a rough edit of the new song over now.

Nate: (from the computer) Done!! (He and Jason high-five)

*The scene cuts immediately* (If this really makes it to Disney channel, or any other channel for that matter, here's a good place to go into commercial...just saying :] )

~End of Scene 8


Oh no! One more song for me to write T.T

But thanks for reading! :)

Keep on rocking!!!!

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