Part 13 - Chapter Twelve

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Despite the fact that it was four in the afternoon, Tara took a long hot shower, wrapping her cast in plastic wrap before she got started. She knew that what she should really be taking was a cold shower, to cool off. But she doubted even that would work.

She'd never experienced this before - lust that hit like a freight train, careening past all her warning lights and plowing straight through her barriers.

Gage didn't fit with any of her plans, career wise or otherwise. He was wrong for her on so many levels.

Tara liked to be in control of her destiny, to know the risks involved in anything before jumping in. She'd never been the sort to go for one time things. That didn't fit with who she was. Gage Mason was throwing everything on its head. She didn't want a relationship with him, did she? And yet she felt things for him that she'd never felt before. It was almost like he was her magnetic North. Which was crazy because she didn't want to be a Rancher's wife, especially not this Rancher, the man who might be responsible for her brother's death, the man who at the very least played a part in the stupid decision making that led to his death. She didn't want to hurt him but she knew she needed to straighten this whole mess out as quickly as possible and get back to the city.

Gage flashed Tara a secret, satisfied look when he caught her eye across the table. Much as she didn't want to respond she couldn't help it, she felt her whole body tingle at his attention and couldn't keep a smile from her face.

Bill saw and raised his eyebrows. His wife shot him a warning look and he returned his attention to his dinner.

"So what does a rancher do all day?" James from Sydney directed his question at Gage.

Bill answered for him. "He had such a busy morning he had to spend most of the afternoon in bed I believe."

Tara choked on her food, and for the second time in two hours Gage passed her a glass of water, an amused twinkle in his eye.

Gage let his father's comment slide and cool as a cucumber explained to James the work he was doing training Thunder up to be a cutting horse. When the conversation moved around the table Gage zeroed his focus back in on Tara. Every time he caught her eye her temperature rose two degrees at least.

She had learned to cut her food despite having a cast on, but it wasn't elegant, and having Gage's eyes on her every movement wasn't helping.

If it was possible to stammer with a knife and fork she was doing it.

"Gage!" his father sounded gruff. "Leave the poor girl alone."

Gage raised his palms as if to prove he wasn't doing anything.

"You're not cutting cattle." Bill growled.

Tara's jaw dropped. Bill was right, Gage could say as much with his body and his eyes as he ever said with his mouth. The only way to get through this meal was to avoid all eye contact with him.

Tara said her good nights early, hoping to take her leave while Gage was out of the room, only to find him waiting for her on the porch.

"Tara." He called to her softly from the love seat in the corner. "Come and watch the sun go down."

She glanced out towards the hills. It was going to be a beauty. Not half as beautiful as the Cowboy calling her name though. He was like that second helping of super rich dessert that you should say no to, but couldn't.

"That was embarrassing." She mock scolded him.

"Not being able to feed yourself properly?" he feigned not to know what she was talking about.

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