Part 8 - Chapter Seven

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Tara was pleased with herself. She had snuck out of her room, past the nurses' station and down to the ground floor coffee stand in her hospital gown. She'd managed to convince the barista to give her a coffee on the promise of payment later. She'd happily ignored the sideways looks from other fully dressed patrons. She had never been one to care much what other people thought of her. The coffee was rich and strong and worth all the funny looks she received. She felt about ready to take on the world again by the time she had reached the bottom of the paper cup.

"Morning Tara! How's that arm? Are they looking after you alright in here? You sleep ok?" Liz gave her the great big Mason smile as she breezed into the room, took the empty cup from Tara's hand, deposited it in the bin and deposited on the end of the bed a bag of what Tara hoped were her clothes.

"Liz!" Tara almost squealed, happily accepting Liz's hug. "I'm ok, a bit sore. The breakfast here has nothing on Burrowing Owl."

"That's a relief. We'd be in trouble if our guests preferred a hospital breakfast." Liz laughed, plonking herself down on the side of the bed.

"No chance of that."

"Good, you'll be eager to come home to the Ranch then."

Tara took a deep breath. "I do need to come back to the Ranch to get my gear, and arrange for my friend to come and get me. I'm sorry I can't help you out for the rest of the season Liz." Tara pointed to the purple cast with her good hand. "Turns out I'm not much of a Cowgirl. If it's not too much bother, please could I stay tonight?" Tara spoke quickly, avoiding eye contact with Liz until she had said her piece, worried that Liz would be able to see how fragile she was feeling.

"Oh darlin' please stay longer than that. Bill and Gage and I worked it all out last night. The cabin is yours for as long as you need, and not just until the end of the season. You don't need to decide right now, but at least let us look after you for the rest of the week."

"You know who I am right?" This time Tara met Elizabeth Mason's eyes with her own, needing to know what the truth meant to the other woman.

Liz nodded slowly, holding Tara's gaze. "Dan's sister."

At Liz's words Tara felt something inside her break. All of the emotions she had been working so hard to keep dammed up for the past two weeks poured out. She burst into tears. Liz leaned in, enfolding the sobbing Tara in her arms.

Tara allowed herself to sob in Liz Mason's arms, letting all of the tension drain away. She'd not been able to do this when Dan died, her Gran had needed her to be strong. There had been nobody left to take care of her. She hadn't realised how much she needed this. Just to be held.

When Tara's tears dried up and her breathing returned to normal, Liz gave her an extra squeeze and climbed off of the bed.

"I'll be back in an hour to take you home, Tara Blake."

Tara managed a shower with the help of a nurse who wrapped her cast in cling film and lifted the detachable showerhead on a hose clear of its mooring. The water felt great. She hadn't washed since before they'd headed out on the horses. It felt like she washed half the desert down the plughole along with a whole heap of emotions. The fresh clothes that Liz had brought in were just the ticket to finish off her rejuvenation.

She was ready and waiting for Liz when a little candy striper knocked at her door.

"Excuse me. I saw your name on the door and wondered if your father was Robert Delaney?" The girl looked about 16. She had the same wavy chestnut coloured hair as Tara and the same fine features. Even before she read the young woman's name badge, Carley Delaney, Tara could see that they were related.

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