Chapter One

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THG Fanfiction

Corinne ran down the stairs, almost tripping on her pink gown. The Reaping was starting in exactly four minutes.
She reached the door and pushed it open before bolting out. Her flats made it harder to run, but she continued to sprint. Two minutes. District 3, (or any District for that matter), didn't allow anybody to be late for The Reaping. The line for blood samples consisted of three girls. At least she wasn't the only one. The needle pierced her finger as she bit her lip in pain. She flattened her dress and took her spot in the seventeen-year-olds. The escort, Perrola, walks briskly onto the stage, her heels clicking with every step.
"Welcome! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" she chirps onto the microphone. "This is a special film brought from the Capitol!"
A screen begins to play its annual story of the war. Corinne glances nervously around, locking eyes with a boy for a moment. She immediately new who it was: Luke Haves. His blue eyes scanned over her quickly, a smile reaching its way to his lips. Corinne snapped her focus back to the escort, waiting to draw name.
"As always, ladies first!" Perrola reaches her slim hand in the bowl and digs around for a second. She pulls out a neatly folded slip and smooths it out. "Corinne Obrien!"
Corinne swallows nervously and starts walking towards the front and onto the stage.
"Let's have a round of applause for our girl tribute, Corinne!" Perrola cheers, a small wave of claps coming from the crowd. "Now for the men!" Perrola slips her hand into the bowl and swishes around before grabbing a piece. "Sam Haves!"
A boy standing in the fifteen-year-old section.
"I volunteer as tribute," someone yells.
Corinne looked up and met his eyes, the same she had seen earlier.
He walks up next to her. Perrola pushes the microphone towards him.
"Luke Haves."
Corinne's three minutes of visitors consisted of her Brother and her talking.
"You'll do great," he says before being pulled out.
The train had a luxurious sitting room, dining room, and four bedrooms.
The first thing Corinne did was go to her room. She fumbled in her pocket for her token- a necklace with a heart that was half silver half gold. Her dad had given it to her for her thirteenth birthday. She placed it under her pillow and went back to the dining room for dinner.
The meal laid out had chicken soup, corn, chocolate covered strawberries and mashed potatoes. Luke walks in. " I'm not hungry... People are dying in district 3 and they can only eat like this if they get chosen to get killed in the arena" Luke said sadly, " I feel so special" he said sarcastically.
Corinne looks at him and thinks " Wow , I think he's cute and soon I get to see him die...WHAT A FUCKING GREAT LIFE!"
" Hey, you gonna eat that?" Luke says stuffing his face and pointing to Corinne's corn.
"Well can I have it?"
"Why?" He questions
"Because you were just saying that you weren't hungry and talking about district 3 and now your stuffing your face. WHAT A FIGHTER YOU ARE FOR DISTRICT 3!!!!!!"
There was silence for a couple minutes.
"I'm so sorr"
Luke interrupted "I deserved it." He said as he walked to his room.
"I'm such a charmer !" Corinne thought sarcastically.

That night Corinne woke up screaming. Luke ran in "ARE YOU OKAY?"
"Yeah sorry I had a nightmare." Corinne said shaking.
"We'll if your okay I'm going back to"
"Wait!" Corinne yelled interrupting. "Can you lay with me? Till you know I fall asleep?"
"Sure!" "I mean... If that will make you feel better." Luke said jumping into the bed.
"Hey Luke ?"
"I'm scared ."
"Of what?"
"Of you know the arena and the dying part."
"I am too but just think if you win you won't need to do it again and you get to eat a bunch of food afterwards."
"But, what if I don't win?" Corinne whispered trying not to cry, " Also you... You know. What about you and your family?"
"Don't worry about me and my family this is the time to think about you and yourself. Not about me." He whispered into her ear.
"Luke." Said Corinne not knowing what else to say but his name.
Luke leans in and Corinne too. Then they start to kiss. Not viscously just laying there softly. "His lips are so soft !" Corinne thought.

When Corinne woke up, Luke was not in her bed. When she walked out she walked by his door to his bedroom and heard sobbing. When she snuck in she saw Luke there with his head down and not knowing Corinne was there.
"Luke? "
Luke sat up and stopped crying right away.
"Yeah? I'll be out for breakfast in a minute."

Then Luke walked right into his bathroom connected to his room. Right when Corinne walked out of Luke's bedroom to go to eat breakfast she heard sobbing again.
"He will be okay I just need to leave him be and work out his feelings."
Luke walked into the dinning room. His eyes so puffy he looked like he had been crying for days upon days. He tried to act like nothing was wrong. "Hey what's for breakfast?" Luke said sitting down. "We'll there is eggs, bacon, sausage , cereal, pancakes, and toast." Perrola exclaimed excitingly.
"Why are you such in a good mood?" Corinne questioned.
"I'm always in a good mood!" She screamed in joy.
After everyone ate Corinne said " I'm going to go take a nap."
"Hey can I come take a nap in your room too please?" Luke asked.
" Sure I don't care." Corinne stated.
When they both we're laying down Corinne asked "Why we're you crying earlier?"
" um... I was just really confused and kinda scared." Luke whispered.
"Why though?"
"We'll I was terrified because I think I might be in love with you... "
"WHY IS THAT A BAD THING ?!" Corinne was screaming
" It is because if we fall in love ... I'm going to die or even you in the arena." Luke said kinda hurt.
"No it's fine, I think those feelings are done." Luke yelled with anger.
"Luke..." Corinne whispered crying and not knowing what to say besides his name.
"I'm going to my room and don't bother talking to me." Luke said while walking out if the room.

Sorry but the chapters will be kinda short. But when I post I will post 2 chapters that day.

Credit to my Best Friend Carly for writing the beginning I LOVE YOU CC!!!
With love,
Corinne <3

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