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I walk home slow, talking the long way. Shawn was supposed to drive us to the movies after school, but I couldn't care to see him, for him to see what I'd done. I was disgusted by myself, angry, furious. This feeling was terrifying, not knowing what to do with myself. Getting to my apartment, I slam the door shut and joy to my room. I'm starving, but don't grab anything from the fridge, too tired to move. A hear a text pop on my MacBook and I pull it into my lap.

Shawn😊: what happened to the movie? I got really nervous because I didn't see you after school😞

Me: sorry..I completely forgot about it. I'm ok.

Shawn😊: you sure? you don't sound like yourself.... love you baby girl😚

Me: 💜
School felt like hell for me in the next few months. 4 months had gone by, Shawn and I had only grown closer, more in love. I fell for him all over again everyday. My mom and I were doing good, her salary was raised greatly. But none of these sweet things could take my mind of of her. The girl who caused me so much pain. Every class with her was awful, and ended on me using an excuse to get out of class. My teachers were getting sick of me not feeling good, when I physically felt fine, but definitely not mentally. A sickening fear shivers through my body each time I pass Emily, or see her near. It was a fear that I just couldn't deal with anymore. My mom and I had made a decision, one that I definitely did not want to tell Shawn. But I had pushed it off far long enough, and I had to tell him soon. I started the letter with 'know that I love you'  and let a tear slip down my cheek.

Never Be Alone//Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now