How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: Pre-Apocalypse

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                 3.a. Design and prepare an outfit that would be fit to go outside and protect you from a zombie bite.

                    ~Make sure it gives you mobility

                                        -You don't want to waddle, and barely be able to protect yourself.

                    ~Maybe some padding, or strong material, maybe both.

                                        -Bullet proof jacket materials may prove to be sufficient.

                    ~Make sure it is able to be changed, in case the zombies are different than you planned.


              3.b. Possible pockets or compartments in these "outfits" for weapons.

                    ~Gun, knife, sword, anything!

              3.c. Make sure you look kick-ass

                   -If you don't it's fine, but....   who wouldn't?



I only have a couple more pre apoc. I'll be moving on soon(;

If you have any ideas, PLEASE share them with me I would love to add anyone's ideas!

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