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I stared out my window as the raindrops slid down. The smell of the rain filled my room and I absolutely loved it.

Today was a day that I felt like staying snuggled up in my blankets just watching the rain wash away all the impurities in the world.

Of course my peace was short lived when my mum came barging into my room with out even knocking.

'Come on Tiffany! You have to be at school in 20 minutes and your not even out of bed.' I hated when she came in without knocking. I groaned and unwillingly got out of bed. When she was satisfied that I wouldn't get back in she left without closing my door. Another thing I hated.

I went to my cupboard and grabbed my black jeans, a black singlet and my moustache sweater. Perfect for the weather outside. I grabbed some black converse and my school bag before racing downstairs.

Mum was waiting in the kitchen with a disapproving look on her face as I made myself a piece of toast. 'Well it certainly took you long enough' she chastised. I looked at the clock and I still had 6 minutes till we had to leave.

'We have 6 minutes mum. That's plenty of time' I replied as I buttered my toasted and spread jam over it. 'That's irrelevant. You should be getting out of bed much earlier.' I just ignored her as I ate my toast and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and decided my fave looked good enough today with out makeup. It's not like I had any time for it anyway. 'Tiffany! We're leaving.' Mum called up to me. Perfect timing I thought.

I saw my brother coming down the stairs with my little sister on his back. He never did that with me. James never liked me, and when Lucy came he never even acknowledged my existence. It always made me sad. Being the middle child sucked.

He "flew" out of the house with Lucy and I followed behind, looking at the ground beneath my feet. The rain was just a dribble now and I didn't mind getting wet as the car was centimetres away.

I sat in the back next to Lucy as we made our way to school. I stared out the window the whole time, just wishing I could be one of the droplets. Free to do whatever I please and go wherever I want.

All to soon we were at school. I hated school, but not because it meant learning. I hated it because I had to put on a happy face to all my friends, who I knew were basically only my friends because of my brother. I had to pretend to be happy and love everything and hate learning when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry.

Unlike all my friends, I like learning for most of it. There were some subjects that I didn't like, but for the majority of it, I liked learning.

We were dropped off and I walked to the usual spot my friends were before school. I had my music playing through one ear and that helped to calm me down and put a smile on my face.

'Hey Tiffany.' My "friend" Amber called. 'Hey' I replied and sat down next to Sophie. Probably the only person here who I actually thought wasn't faking it and wanted to genuinely be my friend.

I sat and listened to my music as they all chatted about things I didn't want to know about. 'How are you today?' Asked Sophie with a small smile on her face. 'The same as always I suppose' I answered.

She looked concerned for a second until I smiled at her. The concerned look vanished before she nodded and started reading a book that I hadn't noticed was in her lap. She was a bookworm, but Amber, Riley and Hannah didn't seem to fake their friendship with her. Not saying being a bookworm is bad, it's just that she doesn't really interact with them, but they like her anyway. I wish they were like that with me.

They never said anything when I got bullied in the halls. Just laughed along with everyone else and kept waking. I guess I sat with them to feel wanted. But who was I kidding, all the wanted from me was my connection to James. James was one of the populars. Everyone loved the thought of him actually looking at them. I didn't see what they liked so much.

Like me he had blonde hair. His was sandy and mine had more of a whiteish look to it. Lucy got brown hair that looked reddish in the sun. And we all had the same bluish eyes. I always thought mine were more grey than theirs though.

I would bet that Amber, Hannah and Riley were talking about him. I just slowly started standing up and getting my bag, knowing the bell was about to ring.

I looked out to the sky as it was slowly becoming bluer and bluer as the minutes ticked by, wanting the rain to come back. Luckily it still smelt of the rain as I made my was inside.

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