Chapter 7: Bigger Better Things

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Alright here's the next chapter and after this I will be updating on a pretty regular schedule hopefully.  I made this one longer too make up for not updating for a month. Please review and vote! The picture above is suppose to be of Anne and Elisa, but I couldn't find any with a red head, so imaginations will have to do.  Sorry!  Have a great day!

Anne POV

I look myself in the mirror. My red hair is still unmanageable, but it looks decent today. Green eyes are looking at me from my reflection, and they are mine, but they look nervous. Why am I nervous? I ask myself. My eyes land on the sheet of paper with swoopy cursive on it. Oh yeah, I'm speaking in front of over a thousand people. That's why. I sigh and read over the writing.

Today we have gathered to honor the class of 2015. We've been through a lot....

The words continue on to say how we are all here in good hearts and spirits, and a bunch of other bull that I had to say make it seem like everything is okay. I'm scared. I'm scared to graduate because graduating means I'm leaving home and everything I know. It means I have to go out into the real world and try and survive. I take a deep breath and smile.
"No, don't think of that." I say to myself and grab my nude lipstick and run it over my lips quickly before pulling my wedge sandals on. I grab my gown, a nasty yellow color, and walk downstairs to see my mum with Mara and Bobby. Nicole looks up and pulls her legs together to stand from her position on the couch.

"Hey," She says and pulls out my Pandora bracelet.

"That's where it went," I say and reach for it. She puts it on me for me and it feels heavier. I look at the charms, and see the sister charm floating on it. 

"Don't tell mom I bought that... but it's for you." She says when I touch it. I smile at my little sister and try to hug her, but she isn't one for touch. She pushes at me and I laugh as she grumbles something about not wanting to be touched.

"Oh Anne, you look so pretty! You'll do perfect today!" Mum says and pulls me in for a hug.

"Mum," I whine. She smiles kindly at me and then kisses my hair. 

"Go on, get to the School, and be careful. Don't get anything on your gown!" I get into my car, and pull out of the driveway, quickly driving to school, and taking my parking spot up front. Stepping out, I see a few more camera's then normal around, but I don't think much of it. I wasn't at graduation last year, so maybe it's a new thing. Photographs right when you get the Diploma maybe? Grabbing my cap and gown I walk into the high school, and go to the home ec room to wait. Our counselor is waiting for us with flowers, and cords for those who've earned them. I take my flower and one set of cords for my honors diploma. I lean against the table and pull my arms close to me. I'm anxious, not about graduating but, about having to speak in front of everyone. I take a deep breath and stand up taller. I'll be fine. I have to be fine. I pull my gown around my shoulders, and grab my cap and a handful of bobby pins. Pushing my way towards the front of the girls crowding around the mirror, I pin my cap on and take another deep breath. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and see Jessica, the Valedictorian smiling at me. She takes the rose from beside me and helps to pin it onto my gown.

"You look pretty." She says quietly. She's always been quiet. I don't know how she will survive the ceremony. 

"Thanks," I say. I'm about to say something else but the heads of the ceremony are calling all of us to get in line. I pull on my cap that Elisa and I decorated. Mine has a Tangled reference, "Onto my New Dream 2k15", while hers says "We're OK!" decorated like Oozma Kappa from Monster's University. I don't know what to think, but I know I'm ready to be out of here. We have to wait a few minutes before we are allowed to walk out, but once the walk starts, everyone falls into step. It's quiet with anticipation, but we enjoy every moment of it. The ceremony begins then, and forty five minutes later I have my diploma in my hand. I take my seat back with the rest of the students, and I feel my phone buzz. I told my mom not to text me, but she isn't looking at her phone she's gushing over pictures with the family. I look at the message and see one from Niall.

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