Chapter 6: Simpler Times

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I am so sorry for taking forever on this. My laptop I was writing on wouldn't connect to the internet, the one I'm using now is my new laptop, and I was cautious with pulling the file over because the old laptop had a virus. Now hopefully this next chapter will be ready tonight or tomorrow, but most likely tomorrow. Anyhow, here's the chapter and I'll shut up and let you read. Thank you and so sorry!

Anne POV

The last week of school passes by quickly and I ignore Andrew as much as I can. The first Monday off for seniors, I wake up much too early thanks to a phone call. I groan as I grab my phone looking to see who it is. I see it's a call from Elisa. I groan loudly and answer.
"Elisa!" I groan. She sighs.
"Hey, sorry I know it's early." She says. I bury my head into my pillow and groan loudly.
"Yeah just a bit." I sigh.
"Sorry... but you told me to wake you by 10 so you could be ready to pick up your Grandma from the airport at 1:30." She says. I grumble to myself and sit up, then glance at the clock. I thank myself that Elisa was nice enough to actually call me.
"Oh... thanks El, I'm sorry I snapped." I say and run my hand through my hair. Sliding off my bed, I pull on a pair of shorts, a white tank, and a red flannel, before pulling on maroon vans.
"It's okay girl. I'll pick you up in about twenty minutes and then we can head up?" She says. I sigh and sit on my bed while trying to pull my hair back into a messy bun.
"Okay, but I'm driving." I say and hear the rumble of an engine.
"Let me drive, I have my mum's mini van today." I say and Elisa agrees before hanging up. I take a moment and look at myself in the mirror. In one week, I'll be graduated. It's weird. I shake off the nostalgic feelings and then receive a text from Niall. He is in St. Louis for a concert, and will be busy when Grandmum lands.

Niall: Hey aren't you getting Grandmum from Columbus today?

Me: Yeah, how come?

Niall: Give her my love?

Me: No problem :)

I sigh to myself and then lean back on my bed. I feel so tired. I feel my phone go off again and I look at it expecting a text from Niall.

Louis: Hey love

I stare at the screen then open slowly.
Me: Hey :)

Louis: What's up?
Me: about to head up to Columbus to pick up my grandmum hbu

Louis:laying in the tour bus watching Netflix with the boys until its time for the show

I sigh to myself at how normal it all sounds.
Me: Sounds fun

I close my phone and ignore the texts coming in. Walking downstairs I throw my body on the couch and groan to myself. I know, I should be grateful that my grandmother is flying over seas to see my graduate from the hell hole called high school, but I don't want her making that trip if she doesn't need to. My flannel slips down my arm and I groan again. She has no idea about Andrew either, and I don't want to explain it. I sit up and go into the kitchen turning on the Kuerig, letting it squirt hot water into a travel mug I got at Disney. Inserting a tea bag I let the leaves steep then hear a knock on the door. It opens and in waltzes Elisa, looking beautiful, even without having to worry about it. A black open back tank adorns her torso, and white shorts on her hips. Tan gladiator sandals curl up her ankles, and her hair is in messy curls, probably from the bonfire we were at last night. She smiles at me and places a large Diet Coke on the table.
"For you," She says happily. I sigh and smile my thanks, and grab a charging cable from the computer. "Thanks," I say and slowly place a lid on the tea. "Go ahead and get in my car, I'll be out in a second." I say. She smiles and walks out to my car. I grab the pop and walk out to my car and grab my keys from the island. Opening the door I hear Elisa playing music from her phone and I sigh. She smiles at me and then laughs even harder when she hears "Steal My Girl" come out of my car. I can't stop from blushing a bit, considering we know the boys. I turn it down, but not off. Pulling out of my drive way, we have to pass the high school to get to the high way. Elisa takes the opportunity to lean out the window and scream "fuck you" to the building and I speed up a little bit praying that the principal didn't hear that. She laughs and mentions something about loosening up a bit, but I refuse to. We pull onto the high way, and she takes over the radio.

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