The Vampire's Kiss

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Chapter 1

"I can't stay here anymore." She murmured, getting up from the spot on her bed before jumping slightly in surprise.

"You get your ass out here this instant!"

She ignored her father, looking around her room quickly before rushing over and pulling open her. It was quite a ways down but she didn't really have much of a choice.

"I'm going to give you to the count of 3 before I bust this door down, missy!"

Again, she ignore him, getting up to stand on the window sill as she looked around the outside of the window. She saw a long vine and jumped to that, clinging to it before slowly starting to make her way down.

About half way to the ground, she looked up at the sound of a snap, the wind knocking her breath out so she couldn't scream as she suddenly found herself plummeting. A sharp pain surged through her body as she hit the end of her fall, making a small, pained noise before forcing herself to her feet. She head the sound of wood breaking, probably her father busting into her room. Without a second though, she took off, not knowing exactly where she was going except that it was towards the woods.

After about an hour of nonstop running, she finally slowed, her heart beating wildly and her lungs burning. Her legs ached and begged her not to go on, though she knew she had to find some sort of place to stay before she could rest. It had been sunset when she'd runaway from her house, so it was now dark and even more eerie in the woods. The hoot of an owl sent a chill up her spine and sent her running again. It wasn't too long before she reached a house though, breathing even heavier then before since she hadn't had the chance to catch her breath. She looked at the windows of the house, dark curtains drawn over them so she couldn't tell if someone was there or not. Or even if somebody lived there. Making sure she had caught her breath, she gathered her courage and walked up to the front door, knocking on it a little. "Hello?"

There was no answer, only the sudden sound of fluttering wings and some strange squeaking heard as the door was loose and just swung open slowly, reviling blackness, before a sudden gust hit her, thousands of bats of various sizes and species flying out like bats out of hell, though none of them hurt her on their exit. When she could see, she noticed the floor was surprisingly clean considering the number of bats that had came out. In fact, there was hardly a spot on the floor, just dark stains of something unknown.

She made a small noise, ducking a bit as the bats flew out and shuddering slightly. She looked into the house, slowly walking inside. She knew it was rude to intrude like this, but she was curious and wanted to know who lived there to have so many bats around. "H-hello??" she called rather softly, looking around as her heart still raced, but from fright now as she waited for something to jump out or something of the sort.

There was no noise other then more fluttering, probably more bats. Before she could think though, she heard a voice, singing quietly. The voice was deep and rumbling like, but with a smooth edge to it, she couldn't quite understand what was being said though as it was muffled.

She jumped slightly, a chill running up her spine as she thought about turning back and leaving. But her curiosity got the better of her as she wandered a bit further into the house, following the sound of the voice though she knew it was probably a bad idea.

The voice led her down a dark hall, the walls seeming to literally crawl with bats, though if she was quiet enough they wouldn't freak out. The voice soon could be heard to where the words were distinguished, only for her to find they were in some different language or some incoherent babble. It wasn't long before she came across a blood red door at the end of the black hall, a small open window at the very top, though only big enough for the bats to apparently fit through.

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