Chapter 5

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Ok, we start with Wynn again. I try to use both the character's point of view in one chapter, but for the time being it seems to be each one's turn. Anyway, hope you will enjoy. Don't forget to vote, like comment etc...well you know the drill :)

Also, this chapter is dedicated to the first person who has added my work to his/her library, rockencheesepuffs. Thanks.

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Dan did not ask the brunette, Jennifer Wright,  he was giving a heart attack to yesterday to be his girlfriend, but rather a blond cheerleader, Kyla Jones, who he had apparently dated in the past. The news spread like wildfire in school. Jennifer had been sitting in the row beside mine when a cheerleader was talking about it in the back excited as if she was the next bride-to-be. Some if not most of the students watched as Jennifer frowned and lowered her head, looking more confused than ever. I turned my head away when I noticed her discomfort, but could not make the others do so as well. Apparently I was not the only one who had seen the exchange between Dan and Jenny the other day. The poor girl wore the same expression throughout class. 

I shook my head as I gathered my things. Jennifer seemed like a swell girl. She was bright and intelligent. What did Dan see in a cheerleader? What every boy looks in a girl, I answered my own question, sighing.

I should turn in a nun. I thought, dryly but then chuckled.

I pushed open the main doors, balancing a few books and my backpack. I wanted to finish this week's math and English homework today itself. Yeah, I'm such a rebel...

The bag seemed to dig in my shoulder and I briefly reviewed my plan. I had to walk directly to the Storms with that. The boys will be leaving for a five week tour soon and Mr and Mrs Storm will be busy helping them pack and stuff. 

Why didn't they engage butlers or something?

Just then I noticed some kids standing around the sleek Porsche. It was a nice car, but nothing to freak over. Just shiny metal on wheels. Now the fact that it could get you to school or around town, that  was nice.

Dan was standing with his new girlfriend, answering some technical questions I did not quite get. I had not realised I had slowed my pace. Dan glanced at me, a tiny smile playing along his lips. Kyla had been talking and looked up at Dan for a response. When one did not come, she looked around until her eyes settled on me. She frowned.

I noticed that in my peripheral vision, not breaking eye contact with Dan. I was trying to decide if I should ask him for a lift or not. I usually had no qualms about walking. But the Storms Mansion was a good distance away...

I lowered my gaze and turned to the gate instead, picking up my pace. I remembered who Kyla was now. She had been the one who had made fun of my hair and glasses. What she saw as funny was unfathomable to me. But I saw her once tormenting  Lyold Benson about his braces and I understood she had a sick sense of humour. I had almost walked up to her that day and punch her a fake nose in.

What did Dan see in her? I asked myself again. When the answer came back again, I walked more resolutely. Just before I went past the gate, I glanced at Dan. He seemed to have been staring at me while I focused ahead. I could be wrong but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He turned to look down when Kyla said something, but his head snapped back up when he registered I had been looking at him. By then I was out.

I taught Stevie in the library for a solid hour until he started whining. He asked if we could play Frisbee again but I told him I was exhausted. He understood quickly, the darling. I finished some of the homework and he flipped through a Childgraph encyclopedia, studying the dinosaurs. He occasionally asked me to show how so much metres and inches were. He gasped when I showed him the length of my arm and he informed me that was the length of a Tyrannosaurus rex's teeth. I wowed with him.

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