Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We were just about to knock on the door to Ben's house when there was a loud scream coming from the other side of it. My eyes darted to Niall who for one second looked terrified, but then relaxed and looked ready to face the wildness inside.

I didn't have enough time to even utter a word, before the door opened. Out came one of Ashley's friends covering her mouth with both her hands, probably ready to throw up everything that was in her stomach.

My heart was beating at a fast pace, and I literally thought that I would pass out in any second. This was too much for me. I wasn't used to these kind of situations. I would much rather lie in bed, reading a good book or whatever! Just not be at a fucking party! I looked back at Niall, terrified that it was even worse inside.


I gulped at my brain's harsh words. Yes. I was an outcast, and yes, I knew that. I wasn't weak though, was I? I could go to a party without getting scared as hell...

Pfft, why are you terrified right now, then? My brain chuckled evilly.

I felt a feeling of adrenaline well up inside of me, shooting out into my veins. I could do this. My brain couldn't control me. I was going to this party, no matter what my brain said. You only live once, right?

I forcefully grabbed Niall's arm, dragging him inside the now open door without caring that Ben or even, Harry could kick us out.

I felt Niall tense as we got into the house. The music blasted through the speakers, and bodies were moving in sync to it while some people were grinding on each other. I felt like throwing up myself as I watched the dirty people on the dance floor. No way would I ever do that. Not even if I drank, no way.

I recognized some of the people, but I didn't bother to glance a second time to make sure it was actually them. No one here would know who I was anyway, since I wasn't popular whatsoever. I let go of Niall's arm as we were standing in front of some kind of mini bar. Wow, I have to say it was really cool to have a bar in your house!

Niall whispered something in my ear about going to find someone, and before I knew it he was gone. I felt panic wash over me as I realized I was all alone. No one else here knew who I was, and I barely knew who they were! Seriously, how many friends could Ben have that didn't go to our school? I mean, I recognized most of the people who did, and I couldn't even recognize half of the people here!

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and I spun around to see who it was. To my surprise, Liam was standing in front of me with a worried look on his face. "Louis, have you seen Niall? We'd decided to meet here, but I can't find him."

I gulped. Wait, Niall had come here to see Liam? I didn't even know they were friends! "I-I actually have. W-we came here together, then he told me s-something about going to find..." I trailed off as everything fell into place. Niall had gone to find Liam!

"Who?" Liam asked, frowning a bit.

"You." I said flatly.

Liam's face softened, and he walked away. Most likely to go find Niall.

I sighed and sat down on a stool at the bar. The bartender that probably had been hired for the night, came up to me.

"Want anything to drink? Maybe a beer, or tequila?"

I looked at him with the best WTF look I could manage to put on. I supposed it worked because he walked away with a 'sorry-I-just-asked' look on his face.

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