05 - 800K & Celebration

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Beyoncé woke up the next morning to Jay and Blue cheering. She yawned and looked at them, half sleep.

"What's going on," murmured Beyoncé. Jay smiled and gave her his iPad.

"Your surprise album shut down iTunes. You now have the fastest selling album in iTunes history," he cheered.

Beyoncé smiled big and hugged the two. Blue claps, jumping up and down.

"Good job mommy," exclaimed Blue, giving her mom a thumbs up. Beyoncé hugged Blue, kissing her forehead. She looked up at Jay.

"How many albums were bought," asked Beyoncé.

He looked at her, "Over 800,000 copies within the first three days."

Beyoncé's eyes got big, 800k? That's a lot of albums.

"Wow.... it actually worked. We did it, we really did it."

Then, a pair of little feet walked in. Blue looked up and saw Savannah, rubbing her eyes and holding a teddy bear.

"Hey Vannah, mommy do good job."

Savannah walked over to Jay and looked at Beyoncé, "What happened?"

Beyoncé smiled, "The surprise album did a really good job. I call for a celebration."

Everyone except Savannah cheered. Then, Blue scrunched up her nose.

"Ewww. What's that smell," groaned Blue.

Savannah slowly stepped back, not wanting anyone to know. Beyoncé saw her and raise an eyebrow.

"Savannah, what's going on," questioned Beyoncé. That was enough to set it all off. Savannah bursts out in tears, clutching her teddy bear.

"I sorry. I had bad dreams so I pee myself. No hit me," she cried, covering herself. Blue thought it was funny so she started laughing at her.

Jay looked down at her, "Blue that isn't funny. It's not nice to laugh at other people while they are sad. Now go to your room."

Blue looked up at him, confused. She walked away, giving Savannah an evil eye. Blue went to her room, slamming the door. He sighs and looked at Beyoncé, who is looking back at him.

"I will talk to Blue and you take care of Savannah," said Jay.

They both shared a kiss before going to their separate ways. Beyoncé kneeled down in front of Savannah, who wouldn't stop crying.

"Honey, I would never hit you. Neither will Jay. Everyone has accidents. It is apart of life. Now do me a favor and take off your clothes and sit in the tub. I will give you a bath," suggested Beyoncé

Savannah walked to the bathroom, her head hung low. She closed the door and took off her clothes, sitting in the tub. Beyoncé walked in and took the damp clothes, sitting them in the hamper. She kneeled down in front the tub and started washing her up.

As she washed her, Savannah said nothing. Beyoncé frowned and kept washing her until she was clean. She wrapped her up in a towel and put her in fresh, clean clothes. Then, Beyoncé sat her on the bed.

"Honey, please talk to me. I don't like it when you are sad."

Then, she looked up at Beyoncé. Her eyes was filled with concern and love. Savannah never had that in a long time.

"Blue laughed at me mommy. She made fun of me and that makes me sad," sighed Savannah.

Just then, Jay and Blue walked in. Beyoncé turned and stared at her daughter, not believing what she did.

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