chapter five, lets go home

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  • Dedicated to everyone who loves inuyasha

Inuyasha's POV

I was in her time. I could smell her weird scents and hear the strange noises that came with this strange world of hers, things have changed so much from then until now. She lives in such a strange time, where everything could be classified as dangerous and could hurt her at any moment, things in this world could kill her instantly. I truly did believe that this place was more dangerous than the war times that I live in but I think everything is a threat to her when I am not around. When I wasn't there for her, anything could happen. When she was with me, at least I knew she was safe and I knew what she was doing at every moment.

There were these heavy and huge metal monsters that she had called "trains." She would not let me slay them because she believed that they were harmless but I thought they were a death trap, an accident just waiting to happen. I remember this one time, we had been looking all over for her stupid back that held her "school books" that she always lugged around. They were as useless as they sound, I thought that they would help us in battle once and threw them at our enemy and she was not happy about it when the demon had swallowed them whole. They were apparently to help aid her with her studies, which were useless in my time.

She used many words that I had never heard before and would never know what they meant. She once told me what he strange contraption was that she rode around on, she called it her "bicycle," it was used for travel in this modern time. I personally preferred to carry her around on my back, that way I knew she was safe with me. I enjoyed the comfortable warmth of her body pressed against mine as she clung to my back. It was one of the more comforting feelings that I had experienced. I know that I can protect her better than anyone else, no one else will have to protect her when she has me. I vow to always be there for her.

The excitement that had been forming, started to bubble inside me and warmed my insides. This was really happening and it wasn't just some kind of dream made by my subconcious. I had finally made a desicion, I had chose Kagome. I would continue to choose her over anything else because that's what felt right. Choosing her was always the right answer and it would be the right decision, no matter what anyone else thought.

I now knew what it felt like to love someone, to truly and deeply love somone. I know what it feels like to have someone in your life that you would do absolutely anything for. It was a nice feeling and now I did not feel so alone anymore. It's because I was no longer alone, I now had Kagome and with her I knew I could never feel alone again. All my life, I had felt alone and like I never felt good enough for anyone or anything but now I felt like I was needed and wanted by someone and it was nice. I was no longer put into a box that would tell me what I had to be, I could be myself.

I don't think I have ever felt so strongly about anyone in my whole entire existence on this planet, not even Kikyo. I knew that if I chose to live a life, a real life, with Kikyo I would have made one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made and I made some really stupid desicions before in my lifetime. If Naraku had never come into the picture and mess everything up between Kikyo and I, I would have no met Kagome. I am not going to ever thank that bastard, not after everything he has done to us, he hurt the ones that I care about, but I would be lying if I wasn't thankful that I got to meet such an amazing girl. I'm not thankful that Naraku ever existed but I am thankful for whatever brought her to me.

I knew now, that if all of this never would have happened, I would be living a life where I thought I knew what happiness was but really I had no idea what feelings, true feelings, of happiness were. Those feelings that I had for Kikyo were never love because I never experienced the feeling. The feeling I have Kagome would be known as love, and nothing else. I know that now. The feelings I seemed to have for Kikyo weren't love but only deep feeling of lusting. I lusted for her because it was all so new and exciting to me. I had never before met a person that even began to interest me so I confused feelings of love when I had met Kikyo.

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