Chapter Eleven: Austin

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Back at school Monday, first period was the most fun it's been all year.

Dr. Florence was out like a light, again, and Ivy and I kept talking without any interruption. The only thing we had to put up with was Claire.

Obviously, our laughing was annoying her as she repeatedly told us to shut up. Of course, we didn't listen to her. About the sixth time, Claire spoke up.

"Ivy, can you Please be quiet?!" Claire yelled at us.

"Just calm down, you're just mad that I have friends and you don't," Ivy retorted.

"I do too!" Claire yelled.

"Oh really?" Ivy laughed, "Name three."

Claire groaned in frustration and stood up, going over to Dr. Florence's desk. She picked up the woman's coffee and poured it all over the papers covering her desk and halfway on her, causing her to wake up.

"What on earth is going on?!" Dr. Florence yelled.

"Ivy poured coffee all over your desk!" Claire said, pointing at Ivy.

"What? No, I didn't! Doctor, she's standing right beside your desk!" Ivy exclaimed.

"No excuses, Mrs. Stone, Detention." Dr. Florence said.

"Ha!" Claire laughed, as the bell rang.

She happily left as everyone filed out after her. Ivy shrugged off her detention as we both walked out.

At my locker, Claire was waiting on me as I sighed.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"Yeah, how bout a date this afternoon?" She asked, seductively raised her eyebrows.

"How about not?" I replied, "Look, Claire, you're gonna have to get over your crush for me."

"And why is that?" She crossed her arms.

"Because I'm in love with Emma and everyone knows that. Plus, you're mean to everyone and if you don't like my friends, you don't like me." I said, shutting my locker.

She angrily stomped away as I tried to hold back my laughing.

Later on, when I finally got to talk to Alex, he started by asking me how my Thanksgiving break was.

"It was good," I told him, "I spent a majority of it with Emma."

"Of course you did," he said, obviously annoyed.

"Alex, why don't you find a girlfriend? I'm sure Charlotte could always find someone else to help her." I told him.

"It's not that simple," he stated.

"And why not?" I asked him.

"It just isn't. I shouldn't need a reason." He said.

The bell rang and he immediately left, which didn't surprise me at all. I sighed, getting up and going to 7th period.

When I got there, I noticed I had gotten there before Emma. However, something weird was going on.

Declan's desk was surrounded by about four guys laughing. As I got closer, I could hear him talking.

"But yeah, she's fantastic in bed, why do you think I dated her for so long?" Declan laughed as all the guys laughed along with him.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Excuse me, but none of that is true." I said, stepping in, "You and Emma never had sex, so you need to stop lying to everyone."

Declan's face turned red as all the guy's just looked at him. Obviously they all believed me as they walked away, glaring at him.

After the bell had rang and I sat down, I realized Emma had never made it to class. Now that I noticed, I hadn't seen her all day. That's weird.

As soon as class ended, I went to my car and called her.

"Hello?" She asked, picking up.

"Hey beautiful, where were you today?" I asked her.

"Home, I didn't feel well this morning, and I still don't." She said, sadly.

"I wish you had called me this morning! I would have skipped for you," I told her.

"I know, but I didn't want you to miss anything," she said.

"Well, I'll be over in a few minutes," I said.

"Alright, bye," she said, hanging up.

Before going to Emma's, I went by Walmart for a few things for her. Who doesn't want gifts when they're sick?

I got her favorites: strawberry ice cream, glass cokes, and Paper Towns.

She had been wanting that book for so long, but she hadn't had time to buy it. On the way to the check out, I also saw Insurgent on display, so I grabbed it too.

When I made it to her house, she was extremely excited to see the things I brought her. Although, she was most excited to see me.

Her hair was in a messy bun and she was in a sweatshirt and sweatpants under the blankets of her bed. Even though she was sick, she still looked as beautiful as ever.

"Special delivery," I smiled, setting the stuff down on her table.

"You are absolutely the best," she said before coughing.

"Shh," I told her, putting the movie in. I pulled off my shoes and letterman jacket and crawled in bed with her, not caring if I got sick.

Halfway into the movie, Emma's dad came up to her room. I moved away from her slightly.

"Yeah dad?" Emma asked him.

"I wanted to tell you, Austin, you're welcome to stay the night since Emma feels so bad, but no funny business," he said, seriously.

"Sounds good to me," I nodded.

"I wouldn't if we could, I feel terrible," Emma said.

"Alright, goodnight you two," her dad said, shutting the door.

Pretty soon, I heard slight yelling downstairs and it was obvious that it was over me staying the night.

"Don't worry about her," Emma whispered, "She's only like that because she's already lost one child."

"She was like this with Jasper too?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was." She nodded.

I moved back over to her, wrapping my arms around her again.

"But ever since that happened, she's been a different person." She sighed.

"What about your dad? Has he changed?" I asked.

"No, but he has music to fall back on, to keep himself distracted." She said.

"He told me about his band and how he had to quit all those years ago," I told her.

"Another omnipotent idea by my mother. She couldn't have a husband in a band and what she said, went." Emma sighed,

"There's just no easy way to please yourself and her at the same time."

"I understand," I told her.

"I hope so, because I think you should stop trying to get her to accept you because you shouldn't care. Her opinion doesn't matter. Maybe one day she will, but until she drops her insane idea that I will get back together with Declan, I could care less." She said.

"I love you," I told her.

"I love you too, babe," she smiled.

I started to kiss her, but she moved.

"I'm sick, you can't kiss me," she laughed.

"Fine," I said, kissing her forehead.

As the movie went off, I was thankful I got to fall asleep with my amazing girlfriend in my arms for the first time for many nights to come.

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