The Girl Who Wishes

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                                                            The Girl Who Wishes  

        Have you ever wondered how it feels to be on stage? How it feels to be in the spotlight? Demanding attention? Wanting more for yourself, your family, your friends, community? But always put everyone else first. Wishing you could be the perfect person. Strutting your stuff in a runway meeting the biggest names in fashion. Rose would always imagine herself at the VMA's, or Grammies. Walking the red carpet gracefully. With lots people yelling  "Look to the right please, Work it girl". Telling her to keep going. She always tough to herself "who am i kidding? That'sso not gonna happen." She also had a burning diziershe never sheared with anyone not even her best friend. She wants to become a cook. 

          See it all started on a windy afternoon in the 5th grade. Rose already had her dreams planed out for her and didn't let anyone get in the way. She drawed her dresses so elegantly and perfect that her best friend  would make fun of it and laugh,but they would mostly laugh together. While Rose would hide her pain in her little heart. Anytime Rose was hurt she would hide it with a big smile fallowed by a laugh.Now every time her best friend comes close to her she would turn to the back of her book and draw food and cakes.

       Rose continues to think  " cant wait to were that prom dress fitted for a queen" What am I talking about Iam not a queen.stop talking to yourself! your still doing it GRRR! Pour little girl" she said talking to herself again.;Rose Wished could deigned her own prom dress but her designs would always include diamonds witch her family could never afford. She just loved the way diamonds looked on t.v. so every dress had them. 

             It was finally prom night when her best friend told her she was not going to the same high school she was. They hugged for about 4 minutes. Next thing you saw was vibrant colors of blue, pink purple, yellow and more, loading on the big coach bus there school rented. After the long ride, they walked out and formed a big bunch as people would look at them in aw. They didn't take too long to settle down so they can enter the place. The next thing they noticed was they walked into this huge place with this orange-ish yellow tone hardwood floor and lighting. Next they turned to find a Intermeadiet  sized water fall right around the corner.

            The girls bathroom were filled with mirrors. Up down just every where you would see yourself. It wasn't like the dirty bathrooms in our school. She didn't really have a prom date but she went with a group of friends. They sat as she almost cried while looking at her best friend. "How could she leave me" "we shard our whole life together" I cant ever replace her". As the night went on she started to loosen up a bit. She was dancing and having fun, she even danced with this guy and they had almost the perfect connection.

          It was about time to leave. We had our last dances. See what happened was Rose didn't finished vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, but it was time to clean up. Cleaning up she heard best-ii (best friend) Robin say "I cant Waite until graduation!". I steared at her with a blank expression. Then smacked her right across the face."HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!" We were suppose to go to the same middle school! "Remember that plan?" "I don't want graduation to come" I said breaking down crying.

        She smacked me back. Even tough I knew that was comming, I said "what was that for?" In my head I was thinking "was this happening?" Are really fighting right now?" Then we both looked at each other and steered into each others eyes. Then we suddenly clasped into each others arms and started to cry by that time we were back on the couch bus laughing and enjoying each others time. 

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