Seperation (A One Direction Fanfic)

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Title: Seperation (A One Direction Fanfic)

Author: Irish1DFan99

Description: Life has always been easy for rich Irish teen Lauren Daley, Lauren finds her life very boring with the same stuff all the time. With her Mum and Dad not always around with their famous jobs. As April arrives and Lauren is preparing for her Confirmation and with her Mum and Dad fussing to make sure this is the biggest Confirmation ever, all Lauren wants to do is be confirmed, but that all changes when on the day British-Irish boy band One Direction sing her awake, she than learns the real reason behind her new friends arrivals, they have been paid by her Dad to hang out with her for two weeks. In their two weeks together, they become inseparable and best friends. But when two weeks go by a little too quickly and One Direction head to America on tour, Lauren is struggling without her best friends as they have a bound that to them will never be broken, will they be reunited? Or is all they care about the money?

Why I Like It: It gives a whole new twist to the whole my family is rich and her friend is being bullied not the main character at the beginning you know, like its not 'My family is rich but my life sucks because I am bullied and I try to kill myself...oh oops I met 1D and we all fell in love'

Its not like that and that's why I enjoyed it. Its definitely a twist on a fanfic and I like to mix it up a bit.

Also the author is from Ireland so I learner some new things on how they say some things over there.

So check it out or um don't I can't control you because if I did that would be sweet. And horrific.

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