Chapter 1

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"Ebony, why don't you come and play monopoly with us?" Mum asks as I walk down the hallway to my room.

"Mum I don't like monopoly, I never have" I say. She sighs and nods, then just walks away.

I open the door to my bedroom, Fairy lights hung from the roof and my walls were light blue. I thought it was amazing when I was younger but now it matches nothing happening in my life.

I sat at my desk and logged onto my computer, I went onto a website that allows you to talk to people around the world.

I simply typed in 'Hi' and someone immediately replied.

'Hello' they wrote back. I smiled to myself and just thought of what I was going to write next.

'I'm Ebony, you are?'

'I'm Max, I'll ask a question now, what do country you live in?'

'Australia' I wrote back.

'I live in England' he writes.

'How old are you?'

'I'm 18'

'Ooooo... I'm 17' I write.


'Boxing, singing, art and MMA'

'That's so cool, I'm slightly less cool, I'm in a band and I'm into science'

'That's okay, I love science! My hobbies are just hobbies, I want to become a biologist when I leave high school'

'Same. So why have you come to the world wide web?'


We talked for a hours, the I had to go to sleep due to it being 4 in the morning. We arranged to meet again at ten and when I went on there we talked again for most of the day.

I went on the next day to see if he was on, but he wasn't, then the next and again. Every time he wasn't on until Friday, 'this profile has been deleted'

I got upset, I really liked talking to that guy. I walked out of my room and sat on the lounge room couch. I turned the news on this really surprised me, it was a news story about a boy that had died in London.

"Max Stewart had a rare form of cancer and this brave boy has been sent to heaven. He was found dead in his bed with a half written message to girl from Australia" the news reporter is given a sheet. "If this girl is watching the family wants you too hear what it says. 'Ebony, I has been a really great talking to you, your the first friend I have had in a while. I'm sorry I missed talking to you yesterday but I had not felt well' the family thanks you for being nice to their son, brother and nephew"

I start tearing up, my mum walks in while folding close.

"That girl is sweet isn't she, but it's sad to hear about that boy" she says oblivious to the truth.

"Mum I was that girl"


Sorry it bad but I thought it was sweet thanks for reading.

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