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     I whip around a see a tall man. Probably in his 30's or 40's.  I point my arrow tip at him.  "Who are you?" I demand.  He has grey eyes and dark hair like my mother.  They could be siblings.  But I know he isn't related to me.  "Why don't you put your bow down and I'll tell you."  I shake my head. "Not. A. Chance." He sighs. "Stubborn and smart. Just like your mother."  He says. "How do you know my mother?" I ask.  "Well, to be fair the whole country knows your mother AND father."  I squint my eyes at him.  "I wouldn't expect you to remember me. You were little the last time I saw you." He continues.  'What's your name!" I say.  "Willow, put your bow down and I will tell you."  He says calmly. He knows my name?  He almost look scared.  Like he thinks I might shoot him if he tells me. "Fine. But if you get any closer to me then you already our,  I'll shoot." He smiles and nods. "My name is Gale Hawthorne.  I'm one of your mothers old friends." He says. "You must suck at being a friend, because, if you saw me when was little, that was more than 10 years ago." I say hostile.  "Yeah, I know. But I have been busy with my family. And your mother and I have talked on the phone a couple of times. You wouldn't understand." He says.  A look of sadness crosses his face for a second.  Why?  I have been asking myself that a lot lately.  And I am sick of it.  "If you knew my mother, then maybe you can help with answering some questions I have.  That is, if your telling the truth."I say.

     I was never one to trust easily. " I might be able to. But I know there will be some stuff I can't answer because it needs to come from your parents."He responds.  "Everyone says that! WHAT needs to come from my parents!" I sat getting angry.  "Look, I was actually going to drop by to see all of you after I did some hunting.  So if you still don't believe your mom and I were friends, which I'm sure you don't, Just ask me something about her."  "Okay. How did my Grandpa--I mean her Dad die?" I ask.  "He died in a mine explosion when she was 11.  It was the same explosion that killed my Dad when I was 14." He says sadly.  "Okay...then....What's her favorite color?" I ask.  He doesn't need to think. "Green."  "How did you know that?" I ask.  "It's the same color as the forest. Her second home."

     "Fine. I believe you."  "Okay, so does that mean your not going to kill me?" He ask only half joking. "For right now, yes." I say.  "So, I see your game bag is full, were you fixing to head home?" Gale ask. "After I checked the snares." I respond.  "Okay, I will help. Then we can both go back and I can get caught up with everyone." He smiles. "NO! You can't. Not today." I say. "Why?" He ask.  "You just can't." I say.  "Why? What happened?" He ask getting worried. "Nothing." I say, hiding my features.  He looks at me and roles his eyes.  We collect the game in silence.  Then, He ask, "So why can't I go to your house? Are your parents having some alone time?" He ask. I scrunch up my face in disgust because I know what he is implying. "No.  It's just...that my Dad...he is um...he is sick and I have to stay at my Grandpa's until he is better so I don't catch it." I say.  "Yeah, I believe that." He says sarcastically." So is Rye staying at your grandpa's too?"  He ask "How do you know my brothers name?" I ask.  "I came here a couple days after he was born to met him and to see you guys again." He says matter-a-factly.  "So, what is the REAL reason you guys can't go home."  I bite my lip not wanting to answer. I don't even know the answer.  "I don't know, but maybe my Grandpa will tell you, because he won't tell me or Rye." I say leading him out of the woods after storing my weapons, where he surprisingly stored his bow not to far away.  He nods, but seems to remember something. "Was you mom....I mean...your mom is okay right?" He ask worried. "Yes.." I say.

     When we reach Victors Village, I walk past my house to Grandpa's. I try to open the door but it is locked. "Rye! Grandpa! Open the door!" I yell as I knock. Grandpa opens the door and looks surprised to see I brought a guest. He recognizes him, I can tell, but jokingly says " He is a bit old to be your boyfriend isn't he?" I roll my eyes and walk inside.  I put the plants I gathered away and am about to walk outside to gut the animals I caught when I hear a scream.  Not just any scream. But my little brothers scream.  I drop my bag and run outside to the backyard. That's when I see....

Cliff hanger! I will update tomorrow! Please vote and comment what you think!

Under the Willow--After MockingjayWhere stories live. Discover now