Chapter 3

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I sighed once I got back to my barrack that I share with Peggy. Being a nurse is not fun. Espesially when you have to fill out the forms that explain that your family member wont be returning home. I loathed doing that. However it was a job and I needed to be done. 

After kicking off my shoes and landing face first on my "bed". It wasn't soft like a normal bed but it worked. And when your at war you take what you can get.

"We need you back at camp." I hear Peggy called from the other side of my barrack.

I groaned and got up shoving my feet into my shoes. I stood up and straightened out my uniform. Walking over to the door an opened it.
"Yes Agent Carter?" I asked trying to fix my short hair.

"Cmon new wounded in the Medical Tent." She replied before turning around and walking off.

I muttered to myself and started heading to the medical tent. My uniform was stained with dry blood and I was about to get more blood on my uniform. You'd think men could handle a little pain.

"Alright ladies I'm here what's going on?" I questioned walking into the medical tent.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. A soldier just came back. There's a bullet lodged in his shoulder." A co-worker of mine informed.
I nodded and went to wash my hands before walking over to the new guy laying on a cot holding his shoulder.

"Welcome back soldier. I need you remove your hand and June get me some tweezers." I announced.

She nodded and ran off then came back holding tweezers. The soldier moved his hand and I began to remove the bullet from his shoulder. Once I was done I wrapped the wound tightly and straightened my back.

"There. That should do it." I hummed

"Thank you nurse." The man replied.

I nodded and turned and stalked back to my area. I took my shoes off again and flopped onto my bed. Shutting my eyes I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke to the sound of the others in the camp. I groaned got my lazy ass up changed and headed to the medical tent to clock in.

"What going on this morning?" I asked Colonel Phillips.

"You are coming with me and Carter to check out the new recruits." He responded.

I nodded and followed him out to the training area. Once out there we met up with Dr. Erskine.

"Good morning Doctor." I greeted.

"Good morning Jace. How are you?" He asked.

"Between the both of us Id much rather be anywhere other than the medical tent." I replied my voice lower than normal so Phillips didn't hear me.

He chuckled slightly. "Colonel. I would like to bring Jace on board with the testing."

"Really now? I don't see why not." Phillips said. "Wont be a pain in my side anymore."

I smiled mouthing 'thank you' to Dr. Erskine.

"Let's be off I have lots to show you and I should get you caught up." Erskine announced turning away and leaving.

"After you Doctor." I replied following him away from the troops.

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