9: A Lacking Of Gentlemen

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© Amber Kalkes 2015

Song: "Clean In Two" By Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs

Chapter Nine: A Lacking Of Gentlemen 

Newman's 'friends' came to stand on either side of him as he came to a stop at the edge of our table with a smirk on his face. Newman was dressed in a hunter green colored polo shirt and some tan dress pants that fit him nicely, but that's the only nice thing I could say about him. His dark hair was parted to the side and his equally dark eyes looked amused as he took in Ethan and I sitting across from each other. I didn't know what was so damn amusing about it though. We weren't doing anything funny.

"Hello Sylvie Marcum, what a treat to be seeing you in town on this fine afternoon."

I looked at him funny but kept my voice polite as I answered, "Newman."

He clicked his tongue scolding as he leaned down to get closer to my face, "That's Mr. Parks to you honey. Little gutter rats like you don't deserve to address me by my Christian name."

"Newman," Ethan said tightly, "Just leave her alone. She's here with me alright?"

"Yeah I know she's here with you though, I don't know why," He said before musing out loud, "She cleans up real nice but I'd be scared of what nasty river diseases she may carry. From what I hear they aren't too clear on the idea that cleanliness is next to godliness."

"That because she and her family are the whore of the devil," One of Newman's friends sneered at me, making me flinch. He was a blonde but a much brighter one than Ethan. His eyes were lighter too which somehow made them seem even more hateful as he glared at me.

"I think you may be right David," Newman said, "I mean we all hear about those devil dogs they got roaming around up there. Seems fitting he's have his whores watching his pets."

I narrowed my eyes and my nostrils flared at I looked up at him, "You don't know anything about me or my family Mr. Parks. So, maybe its best you keep your trap shut about things you don't know a lick about."

I tried to get out of my seat but Newman grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back into the booth. His grip was tight and bruising on me and I bit my lower lip so as not to show that. If there was anything Newman loved it was seeing either fear or pain on his target's face. I wouldn't be showing him either.

Newman made a hand gesture and his two friends slid into the booth seat Ethan was on. I glared at Ethan, goading him silently to stand up and say something but he looked away from me quickly. Apparently I was worth his time and protection only if his friends weren't there to see it. Figured, I internally snorted, finding a man worth a damn was just as impossible as mixing water and oil these days.

The feel of Newman's arm pushing against mine made me jump and I snapped my head up to see him sliding into the booth as well. Of course, instead of staying a safe distance, he was coming to sit by me with me on the inside. There would be no escape this way and the whole thing had all my nerves rising up from the bottom of my stomach.

"Oh," Brittany exclaimed as she suddenly appeared beside the booth, "Well, Hello Newman. David. Bryce."

Newman grinned at her, "Hello beautiful."

Brittany blushed and nervously pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, "C-Can I get you boys anything?"

"A nice cool glass of water would be great," He said charmingly.

"O-Okay," She simpered, "You let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

"I wouldn't dare hesitate a second."

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