Chapter 2 The Tattooed Stranger (Reese's POV)

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Chapter 2


 Mumford and Sons blares fiercely through my cell phone, jolting me awake from my past. Blinking my eyes open, I focus on the dated popcorn ceiling, frustrated at the dampness of my clothes. I stretch my arms and legs before I wiggle my fingers and toes, and I'm pleasantly surprised there isn't any soreness. It's a feeling I've come to expect, working as what some may call a punching bag for twelve little pre-teen girls.

 As I jump out of bed, I run my fingers through my hair and am sadly disappointed I have to wash it. I was hoping I'd be able to get away with it today; if I'd known I wouldn't, I would have done it last night. Peeling off my sweaty clothes, I toss them in the hamper then twist the broken dial to turn on the water. While I wait for it to heat I glance at my reflection, then tread closer to the mirror to examine my eye. I was supposed to be paying attention to Ally instead of staring at the cocky bastard who distracted me. She got me pretty good, and it's still a little tender, but the bruising isn't as bad as I had expected.

 The lights above the mirror begin their usual flicker, and I ignore it as I'm reminded of my father. It's been ten years since the last time I saw him, and though I want to forget, he's always there in my features. The resemblance between us is uncanny, even down to the freckles sprinkled across my nose. Our almond shaped eyes are a darker green, which is a sharp contrast to our olive-colored skin. As far as my mother, nobody would guess we're related. Her natural shade of blonde is the color that women pay for, and her pale blue eyes are nothing like my jade ones. Although I'm much shorter than my father, I've got my mother by at least four inches. She's petite, at just under five-feet tall. Truth be told, we're opposites, in more ways than just the physical, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad about it.

 Goosebumps spread all over my flesh as soon as I step into the shower. Under the scalding hot water I rock back and forth, taking in the coconut scent as I scrub and lather my body.  There's nothing I find more relaxing, even in the blazing summer heat of Phoenix, Arizona. I set my alarm earlier than I need, and I plan on taking my precious time to enjoy this. Closing my eyes, I work my fingers over my scalp, as memories of the night before flash before me.

 "Jim and Pam hired a new guy," Kyle my goofy coworker who usually stays behind the customer service counter, said.

 His statement surprised me, so I asked, "Is he a trainer?" Only because I know we could use a couple more.

 He shakes his head. "The guy called up and said he's coming in. Said he's an instructor."

 "Instructor for what? And how come I'm the last to hear about it?"

 He shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me, I just heard thirty minutes ago. He said something about Martial Arts. Self-defense I guess."

 That caught my attention. Pulling my hair out of the messy bun I had put it in, I ask,  "Did you call Jim and Pam to confirm?" I follow him into the laundry room and watch as he grabs a new batch of clean towels.

 "No, but the guy said he's already hired. Said Pam told him she'd call here to fill us in." He dumps the towels out on the counter and starts to fold them, and I reach over to help.

 "Is he teaching adults?"

 "I really don't know any details." He sets down the towel he's holding and looks at me. "Why don't you call Pam and ask?"

 Biting my lip, I hesitate then say, "Do you think that he's taking my place?"

 Kyle's eyes go wide, and he chuckles. "Are you kidding me? They love you. Trust me, you'd be the last person they'd replace."

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