Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

“Nina, hurry up! You’re gonna be late!”

I heard my mum’s voice as I rushed down the stairs. I’m going, I’m going!” I yelled as I slipped on my school shoes. “Bye mum!” I yelled into the kitchen as I stood up. “Don’t forget your lunch!” she yelled back, handing me a brown paper bag. I grabbed it off her as I gave her a kiss.

Rushing out the door, I jogged down the steps with my cat, Honey, following me. As I jumped from the last step, the rollerblades from the bottom of my shoes popped out and locked into place. I landed with a light thud and started rolling to school, Honey keeping pace at my side.

I smiled down at her, watching her peach fur shine in the light. I loved how Honey always walked to school with me. That’s how I had first found her. She kept following me to and from school every day, then one day she never showed up. I got worried, since I had grown attached to her, and went out looking. I had found her on the ground near my school. A dog was sniffing her with curiosity, but I had shooed it off. Honey had been injured, so I took her back home. She never left.

Honey looked up at me with those big brown eyes, like she knew I was thinking about her. I smiled down at her, and her eyes smiled back.

As I rode to school with Honey following by my side, I felt the refreshing breeze against my skin. Shutting my eyes for a second, I imagined what it would be like flying. Flying, having the breeze all over, nothing around me but clouds, nothing to stop me from doing what I want, now that would be nice. That is my one and only major dream; to fly.

I snapped out of my daydream as I arrived at school. Slowing down outside the school gate, I got down and pushed the rollerblades back into my shoes. I gave Honey a quick cuddle and told her I’ll see her afterschool, then entered the school grounds.

As I quickly brushed down my pale blue, no-longer-than-my-knees, plated school skirt, and fixed up my white sailor style shirt, adjusting the light blue ribbon that goes around the brim, like a small bow tie, I sighed. Pulling down my black burette over my hanging light blond hair, something the girls had to wear during autumn, though I wasn’t complaining since I loved our uniform, I prepared myself for another normal, not-out-of-the-ordinary, day at school.

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