The Angels take the Ritz

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The Doctor stood on the threshold of their suite. Sherlock and John had nearly packed up and Donna was just out having a walk. “I wont be long Doctor. Besides, who knows what crazy planet we will land on next? Let me enjoy the posh treatment while I can.” The Doctor grinned to himself while he recounted Donna’s words. He consulted his watch. Six o clock. If Donna could hurry up, they would be able to catch the Northern Lights above the Arctic. “Aurora Borealis.” He said with a relish.

“Aurora who?” said John, walking out with his bag hung over his shoulder.

“Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. Haven’t heard about them?”

“Doctor, what’s wrong with John?” Sherlock demanded as he walked out of the room, snapping the door shut.

“Why what’s wrong with me?”

“You keep on counting down. He’s reached five.”

“John snapped, “No I did not!”

The Doctor wheeled around to face John, who demanded, “What?”

“John why on Earth-“

“I DIDN’T SAY A THING WOULD YOU PEOPLE STOP THAT!” John screeched, balling his fists.

“If you say so” the Doctor grumbled. Sherlock looked at John, his eyes wide and sympathetic, when John moaned, “Stop that, please.”

All of a sudden, the lights in their room began to flicker. The Doctor wheeled around, his face white and broad. Sherlock surveyed the Doctor and said slowly, “Its just a light, Doctor.”

The Doctor whipped the device with the bulb again and pointing it at the light, pressed a button. Some weird sound issued from it.

“What is that thing?”

“Sonic screwdriver.” The Doctor paused and looked at it. His pupils dilated with fear as he mumbled

“No.” Then more quickly, “No, no, no, no, no.”

“What is it?”

“We need to find Donna, now,” the Doctor snarled, “NOW!”


“Sherlock our lives are in huge danger and we have just put all the people in this hotel under the same circumstance too, so HURRY UP!”

The three of them raced to the lift. The Doctor jammed his finger on the tenth floor button. The lift seemed to take forever. John yelped tugging at the Doctor’s coat, “Look at that! Holy-”

The Doctor whipped around and gasped. A small band of Angels stood there staring at their prey. Somehow, they had managed to position themselves so that they had formed a full one hundred and eighty degree barricade around the three men. The Doctor’s breaths were shallow and quick whereas Sherlock just stared at the grey specters.

John kept his eyes trained on the lift, his hands grabbing the nearest plant for support. The lift gave a pleasant ding before a female voice announced “7Th Floor.” The Doctor, Sherlock and John rushed into the lift. The doors didn’t seem to be working and all of a sudden the lights in the lift and the corridor flickered out.

“Doctor?” Sherlock’s voice was shaking considerably, “Doctor, do something.”

The Doctor whipped out his Sonic Screwdriver and pressed a button. ‘Come on,” he muttered under his breath, “Come on, come on, come on, YES!” The doors of the lift smoothly shut, leaving a rather disgruntled bunch of Angels stuck on the 7th floor corridor.  The Doctor pressed the button to the tenth floor. It seemed to take ages.

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