Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Thank you rebeccalance for supporting The Trigger World series!!!


I hate rain.

No, that's a lie.

I despise rain, with a freaking passion.

When I said that I liked it, I was hallucinating. I'm running through the forest, soaking wet, not being able to stop. Why you may ask? Well because then they could catch up to me, or they could get to where I'm heading-or hoping I'm heading. I mean I've already made it this far, why stop now? I can still faintly hear running behind me, it could also be the rain, I don't know. Right now my instincts are telling where to go, and I'm hoping for the best.

The storm hasn't let up, if anything it's gotten worse. The winds are strong, and cold, and I'm dripping wet. A great risk for hypothermia, but they found a some-what cure for that. Hell they found a cure for almost everything, cancer included. Well except the common cold or flu, but they're working on it.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice the tree's thinning out. I looked up to see a building in front of me, at least I hoped it was a building. I walk up to the suspected building, hoping it was one of the home's that the Misfits lived in. I walked onto the deck, and almost fall through with rot, yup definitely a Misfit home. I walked up to the glass door, and hoped it was open. It was. I walked inside and couldn't help the laugh, that escaped through my lips. It was my old home. I had broken into-well not really broken into-my old house. I shook my head, and made my way up the stairs, hoping that they didn't take my emergency bag.

I walked into my room, to find drawers open, my mattress on the floor by the window, with the blankets. I went to the closet, and opened the doors, hoping they left my bag in there. Luck was on my side it seemed, as the bag was still there. On the floor in a plastic bag to keep out mold and bugs. I quickly grabbed the bag, and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the water to warm, stripped out of my wet cloths. I take the dagger and put it on the counter. Surprisingly it wasn't wet. Then stepped into the shower. The water hit me, even though it was cold, it was warmer than my body. But slowly the water warmed, along with my body.

After I had feeling in my body again, I stepped out and wrapped two towels around my body, one so I'm covered, and one around my shoulders. Then I wrapped a towel in my hair too. I took my wallet and the card out of my wet clothes, then opened the bag to see what type of clothes I had put in there. A couple pairs of pants, some shirts, a jacket, shoes, socks, underwear, and bras. I picked a navy long sleeved shirt, with dark jeans, and some random under cloths. Once I was dressed I stuck the dagger in the waist of my pants. I then but my wallet in the bag, and the card in my pocket, I take the towel out of my hair, and brushed it. Boy did that hurt. Then I put it in a braid going down my head.

I took my bag and walk out of the bathroom, and back into my room. I looked out the big windows, only to see that the storm wasn't going anywhere for awhile. I made my way over to my mattress, and picked up the blankets. I walk out of the room with the bag, and my blankets, and made my way downstairs. Once downstairs I made way to the living room, and put my stuff on the couch, then made my way into the kitchen. I looked in the pantry for food, and grabbed a can of fruit, and a box of crackers. I opened the can of fruit and put it in a bowl, then grabbed the box crackers. I grab a fork and head into the living room with my food, and wrapped a blanket around my slightly cold body.

I ate in silence, nothing but me and my thoughts. After I was done I put my stuff of the table. I thought for a couple minutes about what I should do, the most obvious one was to either sleep or call the number on the card. Deciding now was a good time, since the power is somehow is on, I got up and made my way to the phone.

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