Half of my heart <3

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The girl who once thought she could never love

Is struck with Cupid's arrow twice

But yet she only has one heart to give.

Which one she will choose is a mystery, even to her

She has deep feelings for them both

But only one returns those feelings

The other cares about her,

But doesnt love her back.

So whats a girl to do?

Deny the piercing scream from her heart everytime he's around?

Look the other way when he smiles at her?

Stop the vicious thoughts of him that creep into her head?

She's tried but its an endless battle

That she feels she cant win.

The one who loves her

Is true in every word he says to her.

Never once would he lie

And break his loves heart.

He fills her tummy with butterflys

And makes her turn bright red.

Whenever he's near she cant help but be happy

She feels closer to him than any guy shes ever been with.

He makes her smile just by saying her name.

The way he loves her is endless

And she knows that like an ocean,

His love will never dry up.

But shes afraid she'll drown in his love.

Only to be swept away by his feelings for her.

She's scared and he knows it.

So he says he'll be patient with her.

She wants him with all her heart

But she doesnt want to screw it up.

She's never felt this way about a guy before

And she doesnt know what to do.

She's confused and lost,

Her head knows what she wants

But her heart cant let go.

Why cant love just be easy?

Why does she have to make this choice??

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