Dawning of light. Part 5

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Well, that's my story so far, Rick, what do you think, do you think, I wonder? Here we are, all locked up safe and sound, and out of the rain, you clawing away at the glass, and me, regretting waking up this morning, I should have stayed in bed. Talking of bed, we may as well get some kip, hadn't we? Don't worry though, from what I saw outside earlier, all the Zee's here about, were mowed down in the gunfire. There won't be any newcomers, not during the night, like you, they tend to go dormant in the dark. So, get your head down for now, and we can resume our little tete-a-tete in the morning, yes!

Although I suggested sleep, I was finding it difficult to achieve. So many things had happened today, strange and horrendous Things that still rattled around my head. Obviously the main thing being, what the hell had happened to the world whilst I lay in my comma, but even that was easy to work out, all you have to do is choose any Zombie classic film and this reality won't be too far behind, will it? The thing that really annoys me is who and where Miss Athletic is. All I wanted was to talk, figure things out, her help, was that so much to ask for. I guess she must have been scared, she flew like the wind, and I could barely keep up. I didn't keep up! It seems I shall never find her, I can only guess she ran into those Zee's, as she came out the sewer and was ripped to pieces. Damn shame, even from a distance she looked to have a great figure. Even at the end of our civilization it seems we are still able to think of sex, I suppose it must be a built in mechanism, nature's way of making us procreate even as we expire.

Even as I mulled over everything that had gone wrong in my life to date, sleep that I so desperately needed, crept up and over me. I did not fall drowsily off; I simply ceased to be awake. The only reason I was aware that I had in fact been asleep, was the sudden way in which I was startled awake.

The sharp rapping that rang loudly in the confines of my cell brought me back to consciousness, and as I jerked awkwardly up, I hit my head on the cars steering wheel. I was blinded by the blazing light of a torch that had been jammed against the driver's door window, the torch too, rapped against the glass. As I moaned my displeasure, somebody outside shouted.

"Wakey, wakey, you mothers"

"Nate, enough already, you're attracting unwanted attention" a woman's voice berated the first.

The flash lights beam panned away from me and back down the street. Even in the early morning light and the beams, I could see half a dozen Zee's stirring.

I heard the woman's commanding voice again.

"Reg, Mike, Joan, keep an eye on those ones, if they get any closer take 'em out. And remember, use silencers. Nate, you give me a hand with the door"

The flashlights beam returned, but was quickly extinguished.

"Come on guys, let's get to it, it's getting light real fast, and it won't take those hungry tickets long to come breathing down our necks" again the woman's voice.

"Yea, whilst they're chewin on it Rach, ha" Said Nate, sarcastically.

I blinked my eyes to rid myself of the last of blurriness of sleep and focused on those I could hear. Close to my side of the car stood, who I presumed to be the woman and a rather large man, both dressed in black fatigues and what looked to be armour, I realize motorbike gear. Behind them I could see several others walking away carrying what looked to be rifles, to create a perimeter.

The woman, Rachel, who seemed to be in charge, bent down low and stated in at me, a look of disgust on her face. I felt like I was a specimen in a display case.

"This one" she said

With that the window next to my sleeping companion, exploded, quickly followed by Ricks head rocking backwards violently as a bullet passed through his head and shattering the opposite window as it exited the car. Shocked to full consciousness I snapped my attention back to the woman, Rach, I watch as she and Nate dragged a cage of a sort over to my side of the car. Banging and scraping the cage into position, the two of them stood back, guns raised. Nate pulled at a piece of rope in his hand and the driver's side door opened into the cage. The shock of sudden and loud banging from behind me sent me scrambling out from the car and in to the cage. The car door slammed shut, and with no time to react, the portcullis of the cage slid down. I was a trapped animal.

I was scared, and unsure of their intentions. They had me caged and in the sights of many guns, why? What had I done to warrant such treatment, I mean, I could forgive them for what they had done to Rick, he was only a Zee, but what they were doing to me, well that will take some explanation. As I pondered these questions several others of their group came from the shadows and began to roll the cage, with me in it towards the tale lift of a truck that I hadn't noticed before.

"Hey" I shouted at them "Hey, what the hell are you doin. Why on earth have you caged me up like some rabid animal" yeah, I know, I just punned myself!

They didn't answer me. I shuck the cage bars "Hey, I'm talking here, where the fuck you taking me" still no answers, they lifted me up and rolled me into the truck. A moment later and we were moving. Now I was s really worried "Please, just tell me where we are headed"

"Shut your moaning, Zee" Nate growled.

"Zee, why did he call me Zee, I..I, Oh! Oh no!!! Oh dear lord no!!!

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