Chapter One

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It was several moons after the ceremony, and Taka had grown into a handsome young cub. He was a lot smaller than Mufasa had been as a cub and was more of a klutz than his brother. But Taka was an obedient young cub who abided by his father's rules and hardly ever got into any mischief.

Mufasa, on the other hand, was beginning to sport a tuft of red mane on his head and was much larger in comparison to Taka. He was quite boastful and paid little to no attention to his brother Taka. Instead, he was too busy spending time with Ahadi or the other cubs.

Taka and Mufasa both woke with a start. Darkness loomed around them, and the sound of Ahadi's snoring echoed throughout the cave, startling them a little.

Mufasa stood on his hind legs and began shaking his father's shoulder, in hopes of waking him up, but Ahadi remained asleep. As Ahadi's obnoxious snoring began to ease, Taka head butted his father's side.

"Get up already, dad. It's sunrise!" Taka groaned. "Mufasa said you told him you were gonna take us exploring today."

"Yeah, wake up." Mufasa cooed, standing beside Taka.

Taka nudged at his father's side. Mufasa stood beside Taka and grabbed Ahadi's ear in his tiny jaws, but Ahadi only rolled over so that his back was facing the two cubs, and his snoring started up again.

After giving up on the attempt of waking up their father, Mufasa looked over to where Taka stood. "Oh who needs him? Let's just leave 'em here and explore on our own."

"I-I dunno..." Taka gulped, feeling an uneasiness build up inside of his stomach.

"Come on, Taka. What're you afraid of? Let's go." Mufasa said, padding up to stand in front of Taka, causing the younger cub to shrink down.

Then Mufasa pounced into a space in between the sleeping lionesses and bounded over them.

Taka shifted his gaze to his paws and gave his father an apologetic sorrowful gaze before going after Mufasa.

He could see the outlines of all of the sleeping lionesses, and was careful not to step on any of them or make a sound. Mufasa waited on him at the entrance.

"Slow poke!" Mufasa laughed, mockingly.

Taka stifled a snarl and lunged at his brother. The two of them began rolling down the stone steps and onto the ground in fits of laughter.

It was one of those memorial moments when Mufasa actually took notice of Taka, which is why Taka had agreed on exploring with him. The two hardly ever played together at all.

The nervousness in his stomach soon began to fade away into happiness.

The sweet smell of dawn filled his nostrils and his mouth hung agape at the sight of the never ending vast land before him. "Whoaa..."

Taka said, parting from his brother to take a look at the sight.

Mufasa let out a snort of contempt. He was used to being out, without having to be accompanied by their mother, Uru.

Taka often seen Mufasa disappear off with Ahadi, and the two would return without a word; and for some strange reason, Mufasa would go into the cave to sleep and Ahadi would be nowhere in sight.

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