Things Not Going Your Way

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After listening yet to another story not worth hearing, you finally get to school, what can go wrong? Get in your class room, unpack your stuff and get ready to learn.

Suddenly, you hear this...

"OK class, please take out your homework assignment from 3 days ago"

BOOM, flashback 3 days ago...

"Eh, I'll do it tommorow"

2 days ago...

"Eh, I'll do it tommorow"



"Eh, I'll do it tommorow"

Friend-"isn't the assignment due tommorow?"

"Don't you see that I am reading a wattpatt!?"

BOOM, reality...

Oooohhhhh, yep, your chaos begins.

The teacher collects papers, slowly coming towards you, it's like trying to hide a secret that is to big to conceal.

You begin to stratagize your plan, what can you do?

Use a divertion?

A decoy?

Or an escape plan?

Think, think, think...

"Papers please"

To late.

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