Getting Started

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Ok, so you ate your breakfast, packed your school bag, brushed your teeth and so on. Nothing problematic so far right?

You get on the school bus, look around, and see that all the window seats are taken. No problem, you have your phone to keep you ocupied.

You sit next to a random kid with a hoodie on, looking out the window. You don't see his face, but it doesn't really matter, right? Tuck in your seat belt, and the bus starts moving.

You then take out your phone so you could listen to some music, only to find out that you forgot your headphones. A little frustrated, but you shake it off afterwards.

You then try to talk to your seat buddy, only to find out its that one annoying friend you have that always talks about unrealistic scenarios which he can overcome easily.

"Hey! Didn't see ya there, ok, so I know know that I can do this thing where-"

This is the part where you think to yourself that maybe this is a bad start to your day, but things can get better soon, right? Cmon, these kind of problems aren't that bad, heh... are they?

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