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A/N Wow!  

Hi readers!  

I recently posted the last chapter, saying that I was in need of a certain amount of votes. I return to Wattpad the next morning and I already had how many I asked for! I didn't expect you guys to respond so quickly! Thank you!  

So, here is the next chapter, I am sorry for the quality and length; I really just wanted to get it posted. 

Thanks again! :)

The dial above the door dings, as the elevator screeches to a halt at my floor. I hope nobody heard that, I am trying to be quiet. But knowing my luck, the rickety doors groan open, creating a huge racket. I roll my eyes and tiptoe out into the foyer, my boot steps squeaking on the polished floor. The place seems ghostly, no regular bustling of Valora. She must still be in hospital, being cared for her injuries. Injuries that I created. What kind of a monster am I becoming. The games have certainly changed me.

Before I volunteered, The Hunger Games was just a little dot on the horizon. But when the reaping neared, it all became so real. I transformed. I changed from the loving, family girl, who trained with knives, to the lone, ruthless girl with the knives. I went along with it, I encouraged it. I wanted to be known as the tiny girl with deadly skills. The victor of The 74th Annual Hunger Games. Which I am now. But look how much that has cost me; 22 peoples lives, my mother's approval and my own dignity. Was it really worth it?

There I go again, thinking about others. I have to learn to stop. After all, when I get out of here, I will be returning for the victory tour, then again to mentor the next fresh cull. So I want to appear intimidating, not weak. Terrible, I know, that is the aim. No matter what my heart tells me, I have changed, permanently. Apart from Valora, I wonder where everyone else is?

I plod down the corridor, nearing the living room. I slip through the doorway into the room, checking that it is empty. I sneakily edge my way around the room, accidentally setting off an alarm. Red lights flash and a whining siren shrieks,

"Unauthorized personnel entering living quarters! Unauthorized-"

I quickly step back out of the doorway, instantly snoozing the deafening noise. I scrunch up my face and pray that no one heard that. Damn! I should have remembered about that stupid thing. In the short time that we were transferred from the arena, Capitol technicians visited and installed a DNA security system. Very effective for unwanted visitors, like my prep team, as only high-classed people like Enobaria and unfortunately, Valora, are computed into the system. But wanting to enter and exit unnoticed, not so much.

I widen my eyes and stare into a little screen. A blinding green light flashes over it and I can help but to blink, then a robotic voice answers,

"Authorized Identity Recognised; Clove Sevina."

I sigh in exasperation and stomp into the living room. Everyone within a mile radius would have heard that. So much for being stealthy. I knew I should have taken the back way in with the Avoxes. I collapse back onto the couch, splaying my arms out lazily and kicking off my boots.

Thsi gown is so uncomfortable and plus all the noise, it constantly squeaks against my legs. The boots I was given to wear, as I refused to wear sandals, are soft plastic ones, without a proper sole. They slide across varnished surfaces. Fun, but also quite dangerous.

Sure enough, Cato wanders in, mug of hot chocolate in hand. I breath in the sweet delicious aroma, my mouth watering. I realise, I haven't eaten or drunken anything since the pre-interview banquet, as I was shipped off to that institution soon after I attacked Valora, therefore missing dinner.

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