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Everyone in the room was dumbfounded at the scene that stood before them. Zayn Malik, the biggest rebel in school was crying. Tears and all. Niall couldn't wait to tell the whole school.

"Are you alright?" Justin asked with wide eyes and an immobile body. A sniff and a nod later, Zayn thought it was time to let go of him. He wiped his tears away with his black jacket and walked back to his seat before sitting down.

Still Justin couldn't move from the shock inside of him.

"Go ahead. Tell people everywhere that I cried, I don't care because you don't know what I'm going through," he sighed and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

All eyes were on Zayn now as he sat in his chair with sad eyes and a huge frown on his face. Nobody knew how to react so they decided to stay silent and let the boy have his moment until someone spoke.

"My mom doesn't even come home most nights and neither does my dad. She's having the time of her life with other dudes while my dad is selling his body to any and everybody. My sisters are in another country somewhere with relatives that treat them like crap while I'm here barely able to support myself because I live in a crack house with people I don't even know." Gasps filled the room briefly he continued.

"I'm having sex with girls I don't like nor love to distract myself from the failure of a life I have. None of them actually care about me or how I feel afterwards. My friends don't care about me. They only care about making their image look better at school. People I don't associate with hate me due to rumors without giving me a second chance. I can't talk to anyone about my problems because they'll think I'm freaking insane. Sometimes I just want to stand on top of a skyscraper and blame God for everything but maybe he's not real. Maybe none of us are real." He spoke sadly as a salty tear rolled slowly down his cheek.

A few minutes passed though it seemed like years before the pity and sympathy in the room began to air out.

"That's deep man." Louis said out loud from his seat as Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for saying all that rude stuff to you. I never knew you'd be going through stuff like that." Justin apologized.

"And you would never know because your head is shoved so far up yourself that you can barely see how you're hurting people." Zayn commented.

"Oh! I'm hurting people?! You're the one who walks around the school pretending you're big and bad and don't care about anything!" Justin replied.

"You're no better! You walk around like you're better than everyone. Just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth doesn't mean that us lower class are less equal. We're all the same!"

"Hey! Stop, nobody is lower than anybody else in here." Niall budged in.

"You can't really talk, mushroom. You bully kids in grades under you. You must think you're higher than them."

"Shut up, Zayn. You don't know what I'm going through."

"Oh, c'mon! What you're going through? Imagine what the hell Liam is going though! He goes home with a million bruises on him and you don't think his family is worried about that?! You don't think they wonder why he's so quiet? Or why he can't stand up for himself? Huh, did you think about that?!" Zayn yelled as he stood next to Niall's chair with red and purple veins popping out of his neck.

With a huff, Niall just shook his head and stared at the blank space in front of him.
"See? No one listens to me. My mom died when I was nine and since then my dad has been controlling my life without my consent. He pushes me to be the best in everything but he doesn't think about how I feel or what I want to be. He wants me to be a pro wrestler but I want to be an artist. He thinks it's gay." A light sob escaped the blonde's lips as his eyes teared up from the memories.

"I remember this one time we were at a diner and a kid with glasses and books in his arms sits in the booth behind us. With a chuckle, my dad turns to me and says 'look at that fucking nerd, I would kill my son if he was like that'. I just ignored him since I saw nothing wrong but then he told me that the kid needed to be taught a lesson and to go beat him up. I didn't want to but if I didn't then my dad would beat my ass. What would happen if I was in that kid's shoes? I feel guilty after I bully others but I feel happy when my dad says he's proud of me." By now, Niall's eyes were red from crying.

"We're all going through something but I think we should just calm down. It'll be alright." Louis reassured everyone.

"You can say that since you're the only one without problems." Justin sarcastically claimed briefly Louis stood up quickly as he sent his chair flying backwards.

"Without problems? I can't even be myself around others because they call me a freak. A weirdo, creep, loner and everything above. There's not a single person in this world that accepts me for me. My mom doesn't like me, my dad hates me and my own sisters don't talk to me. So, who does that leave? Me. All alone with nobody around. Unlike you who has the world at your fingertips waiting for your every command." He gestured.

"Yes, they wait for my command but guess what? They don't care. My parents are divorced and my mom doesn't accept me. My dad believes he can buy my love without spending legit time with me. There are people following me everywhere and it gets annoying. My friends use me for my money and most people believe I'm a stuck up guy by just looking at me." Justin just rolled his eyes and sat next to Zayn without thinking.

"I guess we're all messed up." Liam whispered though no one heard him.

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