What Was I Thinking!?

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Soooo I was little here I don't remember how old I was exactly but I think I was like age 4-6 around their I think.

Anyways we (Me, my mom, my brother and my uncle was also there) went to a church for a pot luck think I don't remember exactly but i know it had something to do with food so I was playing with the kids in the playroom cause that's where all the kids were, then after we all went to eat and I went back to the room alone so the lights were off in the room so I started playing with the door it was 2 doors in one you can close the top half and keep the bottom half open or you can do it the other way around (It opened like the pic above apparently it's called a dutch door) so I close andthe top half of the door and then I closed the bottom half of the door but I don't think it closed right so I opened the top half and closed the bottom half and locked it and then I close the top half and I think it automatically locked cause I locked the bottom half or I ended up locking it i don't know but I locked myself in the pitch black room!

It was night time too cause it had a window and outside was dark, I tried the find the lock to the door and it's too dark to see so I freak out and try to find the light switch and I can't find that either... so I do the best thing I could think of......

I scream for my mommy, luckily she heard me and she told her brother (my uncle) and he went and got the key for the room and he unlocked it and I was free once again.

But seriously what the shell was I thinking!? 

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