Chapter One: Caught In The Act

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Brin awoke from another nightmare, he had been having them for as long as he could remember. It was always the same one too.

He sat up, panting and sweaty. Brin ran his hand through his curly light brown hair. He reached down the side of his bed and found his Great Hammer resting against the wall. As he gripped the Hammer he felt immediately calmer, his breathing slowed and his heart regained it's original pace. The feeling of his Hammer in his hands always calmed Brin.

Brin threw off his sheets and changed out of the rags he wore as pyjamas. He grabbed his Hammer and walked out of the bedroom. Brin exited the building and headed down to the training yard. He was a Weapon Wielder, an elite group of people who could wield their chosen Weapon with a level of mastery unable to be learnt without being taught by a Weapon Master. Brin's chosen weapon was a Hammer.

Brin placed his Hammer on the ground and closed his eyes and listened to the sounds, or lack there of, of the early morning. No birds chirped, no noisy people running up and down the streets below, no pesky Master yelling at him for being lazy. It wasn't his fault he was lazy, it was just one of the things Brin had been since he could remember.

He'd awoken one day and been told we was a Weapon Wielder, he was young, much younger then he was now. He had no memory of anything before waking up and seeing his Masters face, but his nightmares had shown him things which could've been from before but he wasn't sure.

Brin picked his Hammer up and began to go through his routine. He began to spin his Hammer and swing it around his body. It was going well until he brought his Hammer up and it hit him smack in the face.

"Ahhh fuck that hurts." Brin screamed dropping his Hammer and putting his hands over his face.

"Hahahahahahahaha you're never gonna become an Acolyte by smacking yourself in the face, you big oaf." A voice came from the door way.

"Shut up Lucy, that really hurt okay......Oh who am I kidding, I'm never gonna become an Acolyte, I'm just not as good as you or the others." Brin said picking his hammer back up and swinging it around in his hand.

"You're right, you're not, but that doesn't mean that you can't be. Come at me." Lucy said readying her own Hammer. The Golden Hammer she wielded reflected in her deep blue eyes. Her black hair shone grey in the white moon light.

Brin swung at her but she blocked and sent Brin's Hammer flying across the yard and embedding itself in the far wall.

"See this is what I'm talking about, you defeated me without even attacking. I couldn't defeat you if you stood still and did nothing." Brin said retrieving his Hammer.

"It's not about attacking Brin, it's about concentration."

"I'm sorry what, I wasn't concentrating." Brin said joking.

"You big oaf, come here" Lucy pulled Brin into a kiss. They were in a relationship but tried to hide it from everybody, especially Master Ying, he'd have them demoted if he found out.

A loud bang sounded as they both dropped their Hammers going into a more passionate kiss. They both looked at each other with a guilty look and laughed that no one had heard it. But someone had.

Another person silently landed on the soft sand of the training yard and walked over to the unaware couple.


Lucy shoved Brin away from her and turned to see a boy older than both of them stepping out of the darkness, his grey eyes reflected the moon that shone high above them. His short brown hair covering his left eye.

"Ohh Michael, I uhh didn't see you there. We were umm, well you see-." Lucy stumbled for words.

"I see a Wielder and an Acolyte kissing, practically making out. What am I gonna do? Nothing, for now. I wanna see Brin pass his test today so I can be the one to make him realise how much work he actually has to becoming a Master." Michael said not taking his eyes off Lucy.

"You're not a Master yet Michael and I believe in Brin. I know that he'll ace his test today and become one of us." Lucy said wrapping her arm around Brins.

"C'mon babe don't you want to have a Master under your arm instead of some fat slob who can't even remember where he was born or who his parents were." Michael said upping himself.

"Fuck you Michael, she chose me and I love her for it. If you want her then you'll have to fight me for her, but only when I'm an Acolyte." Brin responded.

"Hey take your time bitch, I'm happy to whoop your arse whenever you want it." Michael said walking off.

"He's such a bitch." Brin said.

"Don't mind him, he's just jealous that you have such a sexy girlfriend." Lucy said looking up to Brin.

"Damn right I do." Brin said pulling her in for another kiss.

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