Chapter 18 - Love and War

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I believe it's time I did another Eric POV.  So that's what this shall be :)


I can't even begin to tell you, what a different person I've become over the past few weeks. All the anger and hatred that I've built up is slowly becoming less and less, and I can almost breathe again.

The night Corrine asked me if I had always been Dauntless, I told her the truth, I haven't always been Dauntless. I was born factionless, to a woman who obviously couldn't care for me. She struggled for a few months, until she was approached by a Dauntless couple, who couldn't have children of their own, these people would be my parents. My adopted mother, was kind. My father, was not. He made it very clear my entire life, that I was worthless and a charity case. That no matter what, my factionless blood would make me weak.

When my initiation began, I was set on proving him wrong. I was second in the class, losing to Four. And that grudge, is hard to lift. But he turned down the leadership positions which brought them to me. I took the opportunity and embraced it. But I was cruel, and uncaring. And when Four said that killing wasn't the way to the top here anymore, he said it because of me. What he doesn't know, is that it was an accident. Four of course, would never believe me. So I let him think what he wanted.

And then, this girl. My girl. Came jumping off of the train in her ridiculous Abnegation clothes and she turned my world upside down. She made me question myself. Question what I was doing and why I was doing it. She made me realize that my heart is not empty and cold and is actually quite full. And it beats for her.

I owe Corrine Minor more than I'll ever be able to repay her. But I will spend my life trying to do just that.

After the water turned cold and we got out of the tub, I told her I needed to take care of some things, and that she should probably go find the other initiates. There was one thing, that I was desperately trying to keep from Corrine, and that was all the things the Dauntless leaders were planning.

Max had been meeting Jeanine Mathews, the Erudite leader for quite some time. Building plans. She wants to over throw Abnegation for government leadership, and she needs the help of soldiers, which is where we come in.

I know that Corrine will hate the idea, because of her old faction. I've been desperately trying to figure out a way to keep her out of it, to make sure Jeanine never lays a finger on her. I don't trust myself when it comes to her safety, if anyone threatened her in any way I would lose it.

When I arrive to Max's office, Jeanine and a few others are already there, talking amongst themselves.

"Eric, you're late. Where have you been all morning?" Max asks as I enter.

"There's no training today. And I didn't realize you were meeting today. My apologies." I sit down in one of the empty chairs.

"We were just discussing you're initiates. Any one in particular catch your eye?" Jeanine asks. I cough, almost choking on the surprise of her question.

"What?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"Any future leadership potential?" She asks, looking at me concerned.

"Oh, of course. There are a few with potential." I answer and nod my head. She only smirks and writes something down in that ridiculous note pad she's always carrying.

"The serum we have been working on is almost complete. Soon enough, your soldiers won't be able to turn this down. They will follow orders no matter what." Jeanine explains.

"How long will this last?" I ask.

"Until I turn off the program. The Dauntless will get the Abnegation faction to surrender their government positions and hand it all over to me." She continues.

"And how exactly would you like us to get 200 Dauntless to subdue to the serum? They are going to ask questions." I ask. Max gives me a hard look, like I'm asking too many questions.

"Well, Mr. Carter, I'll leave that up to you and your superiors. They trust you, come up with something good." She smiles at me, but it isn't a real smile, it's forced. It's fake, just like everything else about her. I only nod and slink back into my chair.

I don't pay attention for most of the meeting after that. I space out, thinking about Corrine's flawless skin pressed against mine. My hands memorizing her body and everything about it. How her full lips would pout each time I pulled away from a kiss.

"We will continue to stay in touch." Jeanine said, standing from her chair and walking out of the door with her two henchmen. I rolled my eyes when she was out of sight.

"Problem, Eric?" Max asked.

"Why do you trust her? What are you getting out of this, Max?" I lean my elbows on the table.

"Everything about power, Eric. You used to understand that, but recently, you've been distracted. What's going on?" He leans onto the table now.

"I'm far from distracted. No need to worry." I say lowly.

"Are you sure one of your initiates isn't taking up too much of your attention?" He smirks at me. Max is a friend, but I would still never risk something happening to Corrine.

"Absolutely not." Is a I answer back. He smiles to himself, motioning for me to get up and leave. I don't waste any time, rising from my chair and hurrying through the corridors.

I wasn't away long, and I miss her with every fiber of my being. I feel this constant need for her, my body craves her in ways I can't explain. There will never come a time when I do not want to be holding her in my arms.

I get back to my apartment, and just as my hand is about to touch the handle, the door comes open and Corrine almost steps right into me.

"Eric! I came back to see you and you weren't so I was.." She starts explaining herself but I cut her off, gently pressing my lips into hers, moving them gently and cupping her face in my hands.

"I'm so glad you're here." I whisper to her.

"You are?" She smiles and takes her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Always, baby." She smiles into my mouth as I kiss her again, picking her up beneath her thighs and wrapping them around my hips.

I carefully walk her back into the apartment, shoving the door shut with my foot, and kissing  her, my girl, because nothing softens my heart more than being with her.

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