Chapter 7 - Fight For Your Life

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We walk through the dimly lit corridors, laughing and talking amongst ourselves. What I find strange, is the fact that the leader of Erudite is talking with Max and Eric. What would she be doing here?

Jeanine Matthews is not a good person. She's done nothing but try to kick Abnegation out of its leadership position since she took over Erudite. She claims they are more capable of running the government. I'm not so convinced.

Eric watches us walk passed them, his eyes connecting with mine for a brief moment before he looks away and back at Jeanine. I pretend not to notice and continue walking with my friends, until I feel a tug on my elbow.

"Can I talk to you?" Eric says.

"You look busy." I say, my eyes going to Jeanine and Max.

"They can wait." He says.

"Okay." I say. I tell Marie and Ricky that I'll be right behind them, they look worried but continue walking to the Pit.

"You moved up a spot in the rankings today." He tells me.

"I did? I mean, I could of seen that when I got to the Pit.."

"I just..wanted to be the one who told you. You're going to get better." He says confidently.

"I have to get better." I start to turn to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asks quickly, stopping me from leaving.

"Apparently, the new Dauntless me, is a drinker." I smile at him, a small ghost of a smile plays on his lips as well.

"Just be careful." He looks at me with serious eyes, but at the same time they are soft and beautiful.

"I will." I turn and walk away this time, looking back over my shoulder once to see Eric still watching me. And I wish that he would come with me.

The Pit is loud with chatter and quite full with people. I look around a moment before I see Marie and Ricky at a table with a few other people, beers in hand. Ricky quickly puts one into my hand as I approach them.

"Cheers, Corrine." He clinks his glass bottle against mine. I smile and take a very cautionary drink of the beer, it tastes horrible.

"Why in the world would anyone drink this?" I cough a little. Ricky laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"I think you'll quickly acquire a taste for it, Corrine." He laughs and squeezes my shoulders. I cringe as I put the brown bottle to my lips a second time.

And before I know it, I've drank three entire beers, and my mind feels fuzzy. I laugh at everything Ricky says. Marie dances on the table tops, knocking over drinks, causing me to laugh even more. Some of the Dauntless born initiates have joined us even.

I can tell it's starting to get late, and I know I have get up earlier than everyone else to train with Eric.

"I'm going to bed." I wipe the laughing twars away from my eyes and wobbly get to my feet.

"Oh come on, Corrine. Stay with us." Ricky says, tipping up his beer and chugging down the rest.

"Goodnight." I kiss his cheek, which is something I never would of done without the help of alcohol. I hug Marie, and start my way back to the room.

I'm smiling to myself, holding my body up against the walls as I walk, when a hand clasps over my mouth, not allowing me to scream. I thrash my legs, trying to get away, but they hold me tightly, dragging me backwards.

I can now make out the face of one of them, and it's Drea. She walks next to Jared, who is dragging me through the halls.

"There's no way I'm letting a stiff beat me out in the rankings." She says, she slaps me across the face with enough force to bruise my cheek.

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