5 - Orange

116 2 2

Michael's POV
(March 28th, 2015)

"MICHAEL GORDAN CLIFFORD! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" I was awakened in the sweetest way by my best friend screaming her lungs out at me.

"What the hell?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes lazily in an attempt to somehow rid myself of the sleepy haze I was currently in.

"MICHAEL!" She screeched up the stairs. I swear her voice went up enough octaves to shatter all the glass cups we have hidden away in our kitchen cabinets.

"I'm coming!" I groaned out huskily, my deep morning voice showing a huge comparison with Vivienne's ear-piercing screeches.

I thrashed around underneath my gigantic comforter, kicking my legs around wildly as I tried to free myself of the warmth surrounding me. With one last kick - that was a lot rougher than the previous ones - I finally managed to free myself and stomp my way down the stairs.

"You woke me up for...?" I snapped out grumpily as soon as I caught sight of Vivienne and my mom standing together in the hallway in front of the door.

"Someone's grumpy on this fine morning." Vivienne snickered aloud, but mostly to herself, whipping her head around to face me with a bright smile and gleaming eyes.

"I don't like being awake this early in the day." I dragged my feet over to the two women, standing in front of Viv and right beside my mother. Once there, I flopped my tired head onto my mom's shoulder, using it as a makeshift pillow.

"I don't think you'll mind that I woke you up 'early' after you find out why I'm here in the first place." A smirk started to form across her light pink lips but she stopped it from molding out completely by bitting on the bottom on gently.

"Shoot." I sent her a nod, giving her the go-ahead to tell me her news, my words seeming to make something burst inside of her so she'd act all giddy.

"Since I'm, like, the world's most awesome best friend, I started to browse through ticket master last night and came across some concert tickets that quickly caught my attention. So, after thinking everything over a few times, I decided to buy two of the eye-catching tickets." She purposely made her little story extra-long, knowing that I'm a very impatient person and it would bug me.

"And... Who's the band or artist performing?" I edged her on by waving my hands around, trying my best to get her to just tell me already.

"We, my friend, are going to see All Time Low tomorrow night at seven!" Pulling two pieces of paper at my face, watching me closely as I read over every word that was printed across the white sheet.

"We're going to see All Time Low!" I shouted out at the top of my lungs, happy tears started to form in the corners of my eyes as I handed my mom the papers and squeezed Vivienne into my chest.

"Can't. Breathe." Viv chuckled, gasping for air until I let her go, only for me to be pulled back into her embrace. She clutched her arms around my neck and wrapped her short legs around my torso, latching onto me like a monkey.

"I'm the best aren't I?" She giggled into my hair as I held her small body to mine. Taking all the strength I had in me, I resisted the urge of leaning forwards and kissing her temple, just because of what happened last time.

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