Vampire say what?

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Haha, Thanks to everyone who is reading this..probaly.. no.... one....

But thanks if you are.

Please Comment and vote! If you wish..


Chapter Seven

I couldn't take it anymore.

I took a shaky step forward.

The ground seemed to be shaking.

"Why?" I moaned. "Why does everyone in the damned world have to be a vampire or a supernatural creature?"

"Kaitlyn!" I heard the pained cry of Chris as I hit the floor.

I felt like vomiting as the world shook.

I was so dizzy.

"What did you do to her?" yelled a furious Jamie.

"Did she just say vampire? She knows about us!?" Said a panicked Jem.

Why would he be panicked?

I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Hey...!" I mumbled as I clutched my head in my arms.

"For breaking the rules. I'll have to take Kaitlyn." Jem  seriously said.

Then I blacked out.

I never got to eat my chicken burger....


The bed was so soft. I think I'll sleep more...Soft soft pillow.

Arrgghhhh, Is this heaven?

I turned over to smack into something hard. 

"Awake?" A voice asked.

I swear I jumped five feet in the air.

"HOLY CAM-OLE!" I screamed grabbing my pillow.

I started whacking the person in my bed with it while screaming.

"Jesus! Kaitlyn!" Jem shot up and grabbed my hands."Stop."

"Why the hell are you in my bed!?"

"This isn't your bed. As you can see," Jem gestured around the room. "This is my house, or uh mansion."

I knew it. He was a CREEPER.

But then memories of yesterday came flooding back.

"Your a vampire! Prince!" I accused backing up in the corner.

I held up the pillow defensively as he stepped toward me.

Across from me their was a mirror. I stared at my reflection.

A wild eyed girl with tangled hair sticking up in every direction with a pillow held above her head.

I looked like Kung Fu Panda!

"Yes." Jem said calmly. "Kaitlyn. I'm not going to hurt you. It's just that you are not supposed to know vampires exist."

"I know." I replied. "I read Twilight."

Jem snorted and grinned at me. I almost melted but I had to remind myself that he was a vampire.

Vampires Kill !

Hopefully werewolves don't...that means! Jamie kills too!

"Twilight's a load of crap."

"Well, You'll have to be staying with me until court. Your mother and father are under Jop and won't realize you are gone."

"Jop?" I squeked. " COURT?"

"That's what i said right?"

I sighed.

My life was going to be a living hell.

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