Answer the question for your sign

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Aries: what is the most dangerous situation you've ever been in? What did you do?

Taurus: what does your ideal utopia look like?

Gemini: what is one thing your always in the mood for?

Cancer: who/what makes you the happiest? Who/what makes you upset?

Leo: what's something that you'd love to be asked but never have?

Virgo: what's your biggest pet peeve?

Libra: what's more important, loyalty or your own happiness

Scorpio: what make you happiest, and what makes you angriest?

Sagittarius: what do you want your future to look like?

Capricorn: what is your biggest goal in life?

Aquarius: what is your biggest passion? How often do you speak about it?

Pisces: how do you define happiness?

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