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"Daniel, are you trying to get yourself killed?" My father roared at me.

I rolled my eyes while averting my eyes off my dad. I'm just not in the mood right now to argue with my dad.

"Honey, what happen!" My mom said with concern in her eyes.

"Mom, its fine." I shrug it off. "I just got into a car accident. Nothing really." I said.

"Because of Drunk driving! Really? You almost got yourself killed!" My dad shouted. I could feel the tension starting to arose in the room.

I swear to god, my dad is just pissing me off. Here I am laying down in the hospital bed with fractured arms and legs. As well as a bleeding head and here he is still lecturing me. Way the go dad.

Best dad ever.

He should probably win an award.

I snorted and laugh at my joke which caused my dad to shout at me. He wants to know what happen.

"Dad, I just went to the club with some friends, had a couple sip of drink here and there." I trailed off. "and look what it bought us. Here today." I chuckled enjoying my comeback.

"This is not funny Daniel." He angrily said. "What if the people sees this? What would they think about our family now!"

"Dad, seriously? Here I am, almost dying and your thinking about what others think of us? Unbelievable!"

"Stop!" My mother screamed. "This is not a good time to quarrel over such small matters." She said trying to ease the tension.

I avoided my eyes on my dad instead I looked up the celling to avoid any more conflict with my dad. I guess you could say that my dad and I, quarrel a lot. I guess its because his really strict and wants everything to go his way. While me being me, I love to be outrageous and I like challenges.

"Darling, how about, I hire a personal healthcare maid for you?" My mom questioned.

"Why?" I asked confused to what she meant.

"Because you need extra care, you will be bed rested for a couple of months. You need someone to be there for you." She said feeling concern.

"Mom, I'll be fine on my own." I said trying to change her mind. But knowing mom, I bet she wouldn't.

"Darling, please, maybe I'll hire a girl around your age?" I mean you guys could be friends?" She said wiggly her eyebrows trying to imply something.

I almost chocked on my water but thankfully I did not.

I sighed, knowing that arguing with my mom is not a good idea. "Okay mom, but please get rid of her when my body starts improving"

She nodded and gave me those sweet motherly smiles.

Suddenly, two of my friends came in the room. Parker and Ky. They came in with some minor injuries but nothing big to be concern about. But they were force to leave my room because dad wanted to lecture them.

I laughed to myself because they are so close to the family that even my dad treats them like his second son.

Minutes as past and I think that the medicine is slowly kicking in which causes my eyes to shut and soon I am dozing off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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