To Be Quite Honest

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To be quite honest, I am a little weird.

People have even asked me if I take medication.

How am I supposed to respond to that?

"Ugh," dramatic pause so they think you're dumb. "I don't remember."

But sometimes I wish I wasn't really weird. Sometimes I wish I was normal.

But rarely.

I wish I was normal looking, normal acting, and just plain normal.

But then I look in the mirror and see me.

The not-so-normal girl.

The girl who has done peoples homework for free.

The girl who has been classified as , "The real deal kind of weird."

The girl who prefers cheese to any sugar.

The girl who makes some of the weirdest user names.

I see me. The girl who I am. Not who I want to be.

In fact, I don't want to be normal. What's the fun in that?

To be quite honest, I enjoy being me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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