Chapter 4

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"We should get you back to the party."

"But were having so much fun," I argued.

His finger brushes a curl out of my face. "I know, but I can't keep you to myself the entire night."

"I wouldn't mind."

"I bet you wouldn't." He brushed his lips against my cheek and I sucked in a breath. His hand slid around my waist and he pulled me into him. Briefly his lips met mine before he led me back to where the party was at. His hand left mine and I frowned as he slipped away to talk to some people at the party. Ashley ran up to me, her breath reeking of alcohol. "Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you..." Oh man, she was tipsy if not drunk. "Come on! Lets dance!" She whined.

She took me by my wrist and dragged me to the dance floor. I swayed my hips to the beat of the music and tried to have fun, but my mind was focused on Colton. My eyes searched for him in the crowd of people. Where did he go?

I left Ashley dancing when I noticed how my throat was cotton ball dry. I squeezed between the hot, sweaty bodies who've been dancing and walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. The bartender handed it to me and I thanked him before sipping it until it was almost halfway gone. Whoops. So much for taking it slowly.

Someone's hot breath tickled my neck. When I turned around a guy with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes was fumbling to hold his beer in his hand. "You want to go somewhere alone...?"

"No, but you should stop drinking." I took the beer from him and set it down on the bar counter before turning on my heels. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist followed my the smell of alcohol. The drunk guy who I just tried to walk away from grabbed me. "Let go of me!" I snapped.

"Nope, we're going to go somewhere alone now..."

"I don't think so!" I jabbed him in the stomach and he released his hold on me. I glared at him before I decided that I wanted to find Colton. It has only been about an hour since I had seen him and that was too damn long. He was like my personal addiction. I couldn't get enough of him.

Eventually I did manage to find Colton. He was speaking with some girls who were flirting with him. I wanted to walk over there and slap the girls and pull their hair. Woah, wait a minute. Am I jealous? Yup.

I didn't have a right to be jealous. We weren't even a couple but there was something between us. I guess you can say that we're dating, but its in secret so I have to act like it doesn't bother me when girls are all over him even though it drives me insane. I sighed and went back to the bar deciding to take a few shots.

The next morning definitely sucked. I wasn't sure how much I had to drink but I knew that I must have consumed quite a bit to have this killer hangover. I dragged my feet into the kitchen to see Ashley grabbing some Advil and handed me the bottle. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it halfway with water before taking the meds. Hopefully it would kick in soon.

The two of us sat at the kitchen table waiting for our hangover to get better. Eventually we both decided to go sleep it off.

I woke up later on in the afternoon and felt a hell of a lot better. I glanced at my phone and saw that my Twitter mentions had blown up as well as several missed calls and text messages. My mom had called me a few times so I decided I should probably call her before she starred to worry about me.

"Hi mom," I said.

"Hi honey. Did you just get up?"

"Yeah, Ashley and I stayed up pretty late watching movies. I think we ended up going to bed at five am..."

"Well, I was just calling to check up on you. It sounds like you girls are having fun so I will let you go. Feel free to call me once and a while."

"Okay mom, bye!"

The guys had asked us if we wanted to go to dinner with them tonight. I quickly hopped in the shower letting the hot water cascade down my body. I lathered my hair with a floral smelling shampoo and conditioner and body wash that smelled like vanilla.

I wrapped a towel around my petite body once I was squeaky clean and dried myself off with the towel before going to my luggage and pulling out the clothes that I was going to wear today. Ashley took a shower after me so I used that opportunity to call Colton. The other line rang twice before his sexy voice answered with a hello.

"Hey, do you have a moment to talk?"

"Yeah, what's up sweetheart?"

I blushed at the nickname. Oh what that man does to me even when I'm not around him. "Not much, just took a shower."

"I just took one too."

"What a coincidence," I laughed.

"Mhmm. And do you want to know something?"


"The entire time I was wishing you were there with me."

And here comes blush número dos.

"Oh really now?"

"Yes, I had to take a cold shower if you know what I mean."

I could picture him smirking on the other line. "Well that's a lot to take in."

"I want to see you. Do you think you can get away from Ash for a little bit?"

"Yeah, I can do that. Where do you want to meet?"

"How about the beach at the spot where we left off last time."

"See you soon Colt."

"See you seeetheart." The line went dead and I cracked open the bathroom door while Ashley was still taking her shower. "Ash, I'm going to go out for a bit so I will see you later!"

"Okay! Have fun!"

I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my sunglasses, phone, and some money which I shoved into my front pocket of my shorts before leaving the hotel. I was practically jogging down to the beach because I was so excited to see Colton and kiss him again. I wanted to feel his soft lips molding with mine and his soft voice whispering sweet things in my ear.

A pair if arms wrapped around my petite waist and I jumped when someone's got breath tickled my neck. Miss me?" His velvety smooth voice murmured in my ear.

"Mhmm," was all I could manage to say.

Colton spun me around, his hands resting at my hips while my arms wrap around his neck. His warm, brown eyes bore into mine and I feel my heart beat rapidly increasing as his lips inch towards mine. I close the distance between us. Our lips mild together as they move in sync. I bit his bottom lip asking him for entrance. He parts his lip and I slide my tongue exploring all of his mouth. My hands tangle in his hair and a moan escapes his lips.

We pull away to catch our breath and I feel like my lips are swollen from his kisses. Colton leans in to kiss me again when someone clears their throat. "Well look what we have here."

Oh shit.

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