Chapter 2

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"Eh?" Momo poked his head inside the room to see Echizen encased in his brother's arms and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny Momo-sempai?" Echizen glared at him through his brother's arms.

"Momoshiro-kun!" Ryoga looked happy to see him.

"I've *snicker* told you before *snort* Ryoga-san, call me *giggle* Momo-chan." Momo could hardly talk he was laughing so hard. Echizen was slumped on his knees with his head on his brother's chest. Ryoga had his arms around his head to the point where he could barely see.

"Ryoga-san!" everyone else started crowding into the club room.

"Minna!" his face brightened.

"Why are you here?" Oishi asked.

"I have a few weeks free from practice and school and I wanted to spend it with my baby brother." He hugged Echizen tighter. Echizen grunted and gave an annoyed look as he tried one again to escape his brother's grasp.

"Nya, you came at a perfect time! You can come camping with us!" Kikumaru said flailing the letter around.

"Camping?" Ryoga's grip on Echizen loosened and he was able to break free.

"What do you mean camping Kikumaru-sempai?" Echizen asked as he sat on the ground and fixed his hat.

"That's your prize for beating Atobe. You get to go camping with the Hyotei regulars for a week." Momo said as he took the letter from Kikumaru's hands and handed it to Echizen. He took the letter and read through it.

"Nya, wouldn't it be fun to go camping on our week off?" Kikumaru said with a big smile.

"We would have to see if everyone knows what to do in difficult situations." Oishi said.

"Saa, we could get to know our opponents better." Fuji said. "Ne, Tezuka?"

"Hn." Tezuka kept his answer as short as possible.

"It would provide a good time to get more data on everyone and how they act in those types of situations." Inui said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Fsshhh... it's not our decision sempai-tachi." Kaidou said.

"Kaidou's right. As much fun as it sounds, it's Echizen's choice." Taka said.

"There's no way that Echizen would want to go camping with Hyoutei. Right Echizen?" Momo asked clapping him on the back.

"Actually, I think I will go." He said lowering the letter from his eyes to look at everyone.

"Eh?! Hontou?!" everyone except Tezuka and Fuji were shocked. "Why? I would have thought that would have turned it down like that." Momo snapped his fingers.

"I bet I can answer that." Ryoga took the letter from his brother. "Chibisuke actually loves camping. We used to go quite often when we lived in America." He set his hand on Echizen's head.

"You'll really go Ochibi?" Kikumaru asked.

Echizen removed his brother's hand from his head. "I see no reason why I shouldn't, even if the Monkey king will be there."

"Yah Hoi! Camping! I'm gonna go home and pack right now!" Kikumaru gathered all this things and ran out the club door in the direction of his house.

"Eiji matte! It's not until next week!" Oishi grabbed his things and ran after Kikumaru.

"Saa, I think that means that practice is over." Fuji said with a smile. "Ne, Tezuka?"

Tezuka sighed. He announced to everyone that practice had ended and everyone gathered their things and began to head home. Echizen questioned Momo about his promise to treat him to 'all you can eat' burgers. Momo sweat dropped and told him he had 'family matters' to attend to and he could do it that day. Echizen knew that he really meant that he didn't have any money and couldn't do it that day. With that, Momo rode home ahead of him, leaving him to walk home with Ryoga.

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