Chapter 4

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Connor made it back to the theater by the skin of his teeth. A hurried, messy goodbye kiss; and Kevin was left alone to walk back down the basement stairs.

What was he going to do all afternoon? He could go to one of the many unofficial "victory celebrations" all over town, but it just didn't seem as fun without Connor. He might just get on the subway and go some place he hadn't seen before. He was sitting on the platform waiting for the northbound train when his cell phone rang. He smiled when he saw the number on his caller ID. Now he knew what would keep him occupied for the next few hours.

"Hey Kevin! Congratulations!"

"Hey Arnold. Thanks. So how's California?"

"Turning into Tatooine. The drought here's been brutal. But, absolutely gorgeous in the comfort of my own home," said Arnold. "I'm working on a proposal draft, but I'm almost finished and it can wait to be turned in till this afternoon."

He tapped a few keys, then took a deep breath. "I want to talk to you about important stuff first. How does the news make you feel?"

"Wonderful," said Kevin. "Connor and I will have a lot less to worry about now. The sun seems a little brighter."

"I'm... so happy for you," said Arnold, movingly. "And I need to ask you; where were you, exactly, when you first heard?"

Kevin smiled big into the phone. "Well, since you asked..."

Yes, he would be well occupied for the next few hours, indeed.


Kevin got a lot done during Arnold's phone call. He went back up Broadway for another bagel during an update on Naba: she had gotten a promotion at work and was now on a business trip to San Diego, but would be back on Sunday. While in Riverside Park, he listened to Arnold detail his continuing adventures in the Star Wars fandom-- something that on any other day, he might not have patience for; but nothing was going to puncture his bubble of happiness today. (Well-- maybe a tongue-lashing from his parents, or Connor's parents, would.)

"I went as Luke to that cosplay because I couldn't pull Han Solo off. For some reason, I just never could. ... Maybe because you're a better Han? Better than I'll ever be?"

Kevin knew that was a big compliment coming from Arnold. "Thanks."

"Maybe someday you'd like to join us? You as Han?"

"I don't know... maybe. But what would Connor be?"

"Chewy! No, just kidding."

"You never know. Connor could really bring a level of pathos to those Wookiee groans and moans."

Arnold laughed. "You know, you've really changed."

"How so?"

"Normally, you'd never be this interested in hearing me ramble about Star Wars."

"Well, I'm outside in a park, and not working all the rest of today, and Connor's tied up till this evening. So I have a big chunk of time to do whatever I want." Kevin gazed out over the Hudson River for a moment, then continued: "And it's been so good to hear your voice again."

For the rest of their conversation, Arnold did most of the talking, as usual. However, that was all right with Kevin, continuing to run errands. He ran over to the nearest Panera and grabbed a bagful of sandwiches and salads for dinner-- if Connor was to get enough sleep tonight, they had to eat lightly. When he went back home to drop off the food, he noticed they needed milk and butter; so out he went again... Arnold now talking about the water shortage in California.

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