Chapter 3

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Kevin shuffled up the maintenance stairs of Connor's theater, heavy grocery bags in each hand. So far, it didn't look like it was going to be that easy to "just slip in". He'd only been to this theater a few times before, and always through the front. He hoped he wouldn't come all the way to the top and find nothing but a locked door.

But luckily, when he reached the top and pushed at the door, it swung open. Good. I was so not looking forward to banging and yelling.

It was a good thing he had gotten out of the Mormon church. His tendency to run away from anything that might be awkward should be overcome, not encouraged. And the Mormons had been all too encouraging.

It was one reason he was glad to be married to Connor: his husband knew how to deal with awkwardness. No longer "turning it off", he just rolled up his sleeves and worked through anything unexpected. He was as flexible in his mind as he was on a dance stage. And Kevin had felt himself becoming less brittle over the years, simply from being around Connor's example. Still... Connor would probably always be better at it.

Kevin passed by stage hands and other assistants as he meandered through the backstage with his load, trying not to be too conspicuous. Suddenly he caught the eye of Poptarts, who started to yell, "Kev--" before Kevin shushed him.

Poptarts nodded. He looked to his left and his right, then crossed the room in several rapid strides.

"Thanks, Kevin!" he whispered. "And good for you slipping in here unnoticed by The Mikester."

"Where's Connor?"

"He's on stage now. Hey, look... strawberry, blueberry, cherry, cinnamon, and S'Mores! You're the best!"

"Is there some place I can put these? A refrigerator?"

"Back here," said Poptarts, leading him to an area in the corner which held two refrigerators. Kevin found one of them too full, but plenty of room in the other.

"So, how long till Connor's on break?"

"Not too long. Maybe half an hour." Kevin sighed. "Don't worry, just wait by the TV," continued the other man. Kevin turned on the TV, then immediately put it on mute. The news was still on, showing scenes of joyful crowds wearing and waving rainbows.

Kevin then felt his stomach rumble. Why did he have to lose his bagel? Lunch couldn't come soon enough. He got up, poured himself a cup of milk, and sat back down, trying to blend into his seat until Connor was ready. For the next few minutes, he just lost himself in the TV.

If I weren't up here, waiting for my husband and trying to hide from the stage manager, I'd be right down there with them.

They couldn't go celebrating tonight, either. Connor had to get plenty of sleep and be ready for his performance tomorrow. But that doesn't mean we won't be having fun, in our own way.


Finally, the actors started to gradually head backstage. Kevin waited patiently until he saw his husband's familiar form making a beeline for him, his beloved eyes sparkling and his mouth stretched into a wide smile.

They didn't miss a beat, locking in a tight embrace. "Thanks for coming to see me," said Connor.

"You were right... this is a very important day," said Kevin. "And we won. We made it."

"Yes we did," said Connor, pulling Kevin closer for a kiss, which Kevin eagerly took him up on. When they finally pulled apart, Connor turned to Poptarts. "Ever get a hold of James?"

"Nope," said Poptarts, frowning. "Ah, but don't worry about that now. Let's have a party!" And he swooped down on the fridge, pulling out the Pop Tarts and drinks and passing them around.

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