The Dreams True Meaning

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Pearl's POV
I saw the cracks as they grew on Steven's skin. I quietly cried to myself, as Yellow Diamond walked up to Steven, and threw him again, landing next to me. I picked Steven up, but instantly dropped him. He felt hotter than the sun, hotter than a lighting bolt! "Steven! Be careful!" I shouted, as he stood up.

Steven's POV
I knew this was the end, I just knew it. I took a deep breath, as my cracks grew larger. Yellow Diamond walked up to m. "Say goodbye, Steven." She said as she grinned. "If I'm going down, we're all going down." I said, standing up, as my cracks started to emit a light, that grew brighter, then, my body went numb, and I sent out an electrical shockwave.

Ruby's POV
A shockwave came from Steven, as he burst with more electricity. The sky grew brighter and yellower. He shot a lightning bolt right at Yellow Diamond. He shouted. It sounded really distorted. "You fool! You can't do this! You'll distroy everything!" Yellow Diamond shouted.

Greg's POV
I quickly ran to the yellow sky. I saw Pearl, Amythest, Ruby and Sapphire. I then saw a large electric piller, which Steven was inside."Steven!" I shouted. "Stay back Greg!" Ruby said. "But that's my son!" I shouted. He took another breath as I heard Yellow Diamond yell once more before being obliterated "You fool! Your such a fool!" She said, as a huge explosion came accross., destroying her, and Steven. I fell to the ground, crying.

Pearl's POV
I cried and fell to the ground as I knew Steven was gone. But then, I heard shaking upon all the rubble. Out came a hand, then two, then, Steven. I gasped with happiness as I ran torward him, giving him a huge hug. Greg followed after, then Amythest, then Ruby and Sapphire. I didn't care how he survived, I just cared that he did. We then all walked back into the temple, together.

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